text 47

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Simon : Clary hide in this casket

Izzy: what is the plan ?

Simon : distract Rapheal so I can take Clary to Camille


Clary: this casket is really nice

Camille : I know right but I prefer outside and a bed.

Clary: izzy it works i'm in

Clary:  she is dead !

Simon : what did you aspect she is a vampire

Camille : i'm not dead   stupid Girl. So Simon what took you so long ?

Simon: excuse me

Camille: I knew that you would comeback to you sire.  We're forever linked to each other

Simon: how do you no I don't want to stake you ?

Camille: do you ?

Simon : no ....

Clary: I do, but that is not why We're here. Where is the book of the White?

Camille : the book of the what

Simon: the book of the White,  a big white  ancient spellbook.  It explains it self

Camille : never heard of it

Clary: and yet we tracked it down to you

Camille : darling, what would I possible want with a Spellbook!

Clary: okey Simon put her back in

Camille : okey, okey you said it was a warlock book

Clary: yes I think my mum of Dot gave it to you

Camille : ah Dot I remember her

Clary : where is it ?

Camille : in my apartment I can take you there, but you need to get my out of here first, or you leave me in here and never get the book

Clary: fine

Izzy: Rapheal knows it

Simon: lets get out off here

Rapheal : Simon i'm disapointed in you

Simon : I guess  that it is to late to put her back in the coffin.

Camille : wow Thanks Hero

Rapheal: I'm afraid so. You betrayed us.

Izzy: guys run to the tunnels I will break down a wall so they can't catch  us because off the sunlight.

Simon : smart follow me

Rapheal : seriously Izzy. You're going to pay for a New wall

Izzy:  hahah but i'm not going to pay you 😜😜😜

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