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Alaric : Is it just me or do some other people find themselves underratted ?

Hodge : me

Ragnor : me

Dot : me

Lydia : same here

Meliorn : me

Camille : even I

Luke : hey guys we love you just the way you are except for Valetine and I have mixed feelings about Camille.

Valetine : well no I feel more underratted

Luke : why ?you even got nominated for a teen choice award.

Valetine : true

Dot : so the bad guy gets nominated but not us

Luke : the show had been nominated a few times. And won 😁

Dot : true

Valetine : i'm just special

Luke : I want to kill you so badly

Valetine : go ahead

Luke : I don't like going against the clave

Valetine : I do it all the time

Luke : and look where it gets you. You're hated by your own childeren , ex- wife , old friends, all the shadowhunters and the whole downworld.

Valetine : but I got nominated

Lydia : well this was fun but i gotta go

Meliorn : I also need to go

Magnus : do it safe

Lydia : 😠

Jace : you are learning my friend

Magnus :

Alaric : Luke do you want to get some Coffee?

Luke : Starbucks?

Alaric : duhhhh

Luke : i'm on my way

Dot : Ragnor what about a romantic night ?

Magnus : EVERYBODY HIDE . Cover your eyes and ears.

Dot : Relax I was talking about a movie and Diner

Max : there is a cinema in the after life?

Dot : yep

Max : yes

Ragnor : sure Dot i will take you out to diner and a movie

Dot : yes. bye guys

Rapheal : and what are we gonna do now ?

Hodge : well i'm still alone and bored in a cel.

Jace : if we catch Valetine you have company

Rapheal : or Camille

Jace : for once I agree with you Rapheal

Rapheal : lets hope that it sticks with this one time

Hodge : but I don't want them as cel mates

Jace : there aren't really bad guys out at this moment.  Everybody is busy with the case of demons and Valetine

Hodge : oh well I will just be alone then

Max : hey you can talk to us

Hodge : really?

Max : yes

Izzy: Max don't text with the traitor

Hodge : i'm so sorry Izzy for everything that i have done

Izzy : you should be

Hodge : I need to go now.  I will talk to you guys soon

Izzy : I prefer not. But that isn't going to happen 

Jace : its going to be okey

Izzy : I know

Jace : good.

Magnus : is Alec home ?

Izzy : he is training now

Jace : I also need to train.  Thanks for reminding me.

Izzy : your welcome and you can come if you want Magnus.

Magnus : thats so sweet

Clary : Simon and I are going to buy some comics.  Someone wants to come ?

Max : I want to come with you guys

Simon : next time when you're back home

Max : promise ?

Simon : promise

Clary : okey I guess we're going

Camille : where should I go next ?

Rapheal : i'm still hunting you so think Quick.

Camille : fine

Lydia : tomorrow Once Upon a time returns 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

Izzy : now way omg that is so amezing news. Tomorrow you all need to come watch the the first episode of the New season

Clary : can't wait 🎉💕🎉💕🎉

Dot : Ragnor we need to watch that tomorrow! !!!!!

Ragnor : afcourse i'm OUAT Trash

Magnus : Ouat 🎉🎉🎉💖💖💖.

Alec: what means Ouat Trash ?

Magnus : I will explain it when i'm in the training room

Izzy : I need to buy some snacks for tomorrow #OUAT is back 🎉

Jocelyn : I made Pancakes!

Jocelyn : who wants some panecakes?

Jocelyn : no one ?

Jocelyn : that means more for me then 👅

Jocelyn : yummie😄😄😄😄

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