Off to Neverland (14)

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"The seaweed is always greener in somebody else's lake!" I heard someone sing from one of the rooms across the call from Chloe's and mine. I couldn't help but make a face at the sound of their voice. I didn't want to be rude, but I was sure that they were not going to get into the play...

"Who is this girl I see... staring straight back at me? Why is my reflection someone I don't know?" I heard another awful voice sing Reflection now, cutting whoever had been singing Under the Sea before off, and I had to bite down on my lip to stop myself from saying anything. Ever since the word had come out that the play was coming soon, almost everyone was singing a Disney song pretty much wherever I went in the school.

I was excited, sure, but I wasn't singing like everyone else was. I would interrupt Chloe while she was singing just to annoy her, but she always thought that it was funny when I did it. But honestly, she was the only one I had heard so far that was actually a good singer. Jack was good as well, but I had only heard him sing that one line when he had cut me off...

Did rich kids just suck at singing? That seemed to be the case for the kids at this school. Everyone seemed to excited for the play, but not many people were very good at all. I really did hope that Courtney's voice was at least a little bit good so I wouldn't die before the play ended.

Personally, I hoped that the play would be The Little Mermaid, but I highly doubted that it was going to be that since there were mermaids in it for at least half of it. And since walking with a tail wasn't the easiest thing to do, I was sure that The Little Mermaid was out of the question.

Aladdin was also out because that was the play that they had done the year before. Chloe had told me that Courtney had played Jasmine, Jack played Aladdin, and then she played the Genie. That would have been fun to perform, but I guess I was a year late...

"Poor unfortunate souls!" Chloe sang as she pranced around the room, continuing to get dressed for the school day ahead of us. "So sad, so true!"

"This one longing to be thinner, that one wants to get the girl, and do I help them? Yes indeed!" I sang out, cutting her off just to annoy her. She had been singing practically every Disney song just like every other person in the school, and I would interrupt her and cut her off whenever I had the chance.

Chloe stuck her tongue out at me, obviously amused at what I had done. She couldn't wait until we found out what the play was, and neither could I. Even if there was no way we could get the main role because of Courtney, I still thought the play would be fun.

I was hoping that by the end of this, I wasn't going to hate Disney songs. It had only been a few days since the news about the play had come out, and already I was starting to twitch when I heard people singing. But maybe that was because everyone's voice was so awful...

"Come on, Chloe!" I called through the bathroom door after she continued on singing for fifteen minutes straight, waiting for her to hurry it up so we could finally go to class. I never liked being late, but I didn't know about Chloe. "We're going to be late if we don't leave right there!"

"Just go by yourself!" she responded back to me through the door, practically singing it with a tune that I wasn't familiar with. "I'm not going to be done for another five minutes! Sorry!"

She was probably so late because she would just stand in the bathroom and sing... Because apparently there was a nice echo in the bathroom that made her voice sound ten times better. I was going to tell her that there was no point in singing in there since she wasn't going to be auditioning in the bathroom, but she wasn't listening when I tried to tell her.

I rolled my eyes at her, grumbling my response before turning away from the bathroom door and making my way out of the front door. I definitely didn't want to be late, but I knew that Chloe didn't care at all. Mr. Forbes usually didn't care when we were late, but I didn't want to get caught in the halls by any other teacher.

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