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Bold + italics - Mr. No
Italics - Melody


Message from unknown - *My universe will never be the same, I'm glad you came.*

(Okay, so I'm gonna play your way now...*evil smirk*)

Melody - *Hey I just met you and this is crazy! *

Message from unknown - *But here's my number, so call me maybe.*

Melody - *So should I call you 'maybe'? *

Message from unknown- *NO, my name is no...you need to let it go.*

Melody - *Okay Mr. No/Miss No, as you say. *

Message from unknown- *Just because I text pop songs don't make me a girl, Melody. *

Melody - * So you are a guy? I wouldn't mind if you weren't 'cause you're good for my ego. *

Message from unknown- *Uh...yeah, I am. Glad I help you with your self-esteem. BTW took you time to finally text back. *

Melody - * Yeah, I concluded that you aren't backing off any time soon, stalker so why not gather some information about you to report to the authorities. Are we in the same school? *

Message from unknown- * Stalker? Me? I'm simply an admirer. Don't be paranoid, I won't bite. Yet.*

* About the school, that's for me to know and you to guess. *

Melody - * Please, do I look scared of you? Also stop flirting. Actually, scratch that. Don't text me ever or I will report to the police. *

Message from unknown - * Why gotta be so mean? *

Melody - * I'm serious, I will. *

Message from unknown - * Just gonna stand there, hear me cry; that's alright because I love the way you lie. *


Melody- "Uggh...he is annoying!"


I dedicate this chapter to my big sis here @Mistalee_ . Thank you so much for helping me out with my book. You're amazing. Do check out her books guys!

plz vote and comment :D:D


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