chapter2:Wait What?!!?

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Jason's P.O.V
Persephone dropped off Leo nico and Reyna at Leo's house,since they all have close at his house all ready.I sighed when they gathered up their stuff to go inside. Persephone would drop us off later with our and Reyna went inside while Leo gathered up the rest of his stuff but I grabbed his arm "Hey........ I was wondering if................ I could. ....I don't know........ talk to you for a sec?" Leo looked back at the house where nico was shacking his head like a mad man and Reyna was nodding so hard it probably would fall of I'm the next five seconds. Wow mixed emotions much? "Ummm........?" He hesitatedbut I saw it in his eyes that he knew the awnser but was just unsure about if this is a trap or not. He was so smart and adorable. Don't forget adorable. Adorable!!! "Yeah sure, of couse." I stared at him dumd founded "you really trust me enough to go alone with me?" He let out a low brilliant cuckle that warmed my heart "Jason I would trust you with my life" he said "really" I asked "y-y-yeah is that ok?" "yeah of course" went around the back of the car and as soon as nico and Reyna couldn't see us I pulled him into a hug . "I'm sorry I'm always such a jerk to you can we be firends this summer" "um.......... yeah of course?" yes!!!!!!!!! I went back in the car and piper creepily asked "did you kiss him you pev?"
WAIT WHAT!!??!!??!!

Leos P.O.V
as soon as a I made my way to the porch I was attacked to the ground "Ahhh!!!!! nico what the Phoenix man.?!!?" "Phoenix?" "yeah you know I don't like to cuss-ow!" he slapped me upside the head "what were you thinking?" I snorted "I wasn't, but me and Jason are friends now" to say they over reacted would be an under statement. Nico put a hand over his heart while Reyna fainted into Nico's arms. I just rolled my eyes and went inside .Drama Queens. Then sudendly I heard it. A theam song. The theme song . The team titains theam song

This what I got so far if you want to take over this book let me know

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