♔ 11

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Before you start reading, let me just clarify, Tatiana isn't necessarily taking/stealing Damien's money again, she's just using him for his money a.k.a being a gold digger.

& I'm going to start making more dedications on this story because I appreciate all of you who read or who I just think are awesome writers so I dedicate this chapter to TrillAsTAJA. If you haven't heard of her (how have you not?!) she's one of, if not my favorite author on Wattpad. Her stories are amazing, her plots are on point and her characters are unforgettable & she seems like a really nice person so check her out if you haven't before (: 


Reina | October 4th, 2013 | 1:27 PM

I sat back in the chair in my office and sighed, it had been an exhausting day and it wasn't anywhere near over. I was only scheduled for two appointments today but then there were about seven walk-ins just for hair and since it was only myself and another employee working today, we were swamped. I currently had one client but they were having a mud-bath which took an hour, giving me time to relax.

Just as I was about to close my eyes for a quick cat-nap, a little alert popped up on my computer, signaling that my client needed something. I sighed, slipping on some flip-flops and walking to the spa area. I opened the door to my mud room and shook my head at Rafael who was sitting in the mud.

"What do you want Rafi? You're supposed to be relaxing, not talking to me."

"My mud feels cold Ms. Reina." He said in a little kid's voice.

"Oh my goodness." I shook my head, turning up the bath's thermostat. "This better?" He nodded. "You know you could've got up and done that yourself."

"I know but this mud is hella thick and I didn't wanna make the floor dirty."

"That's why I have a janitor sir."

"Yeah, iight." He sucked his teeth, "Why don't you come here?"

"You're all icky and dirty, I don't wanna be near that."

"Shit, it's your spa, it can't be all that dirty." He chuckled.

"Fine, fine." I grabbed a towel and placed it on the tile floor right next to his tub and sat on it. "What are you doing here anyways?"

"I needed to get away from the job and relax, my brother has been a real pain in the ass lately."

"Aw, I'm sorry about that. But I think you're the first nigga I know who would willingly go to a spa."

"Well the spa is relaxing but so are you, you take my mind off shit."

I blushed, "If you wanted to see me, we could've just met up somewhere, you didn't need to pay for this."

"Nah, I wanted to check out your business too. It's pretty nice."

"Thank you. It wasn't my original dream but this is what it's evolved into."

"What was your original dream?"

"I'm not sure actually. I was still trying to figure out who and what I wanted to be but I always dreamt of going to college, that's where I always saw myself but then I got pregnant..."

"So college became a dream deferred." He finished my statement.

I chuckled, "More like canceled. It would've been too much then and now so I ended up getting my cosmetology license."

"Well that's still a lot better than other shit. I mean like I said before, you got a successfully business and you were raising a child by yourself. That shit ain't easy but you still managed to pull it off."

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