Chapter Sixteen

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“No!” I gasped, stepping backwards.
The figure shuffled towards me, it’s menacing moans getting closer and closer.
I screamed and ran towards the kitchen to look for a knife.
I scrambled around in the dark, pulling drawers open and searching all over the benches for a weapon, but I couldn’t find anything. It had me cornered.

It swung it’s rotting arm towards me, narrowly missing my face. I grabbed hold of the edge of the kitchen bench, lifted myself up and kicked it in the chest with both legs. I heard something crack as my feet made contact with his fragile bones, and knew I had bought myself another second or two of survival.
“Help!” I yelled, praying for someone to hear me.
The zombie came back with full force.
I braced myself, preparing to kick it again.
It let out a loud screech as it jumped at me. I swung my legs out hard, ready to send it flying, but my feet never made contact.
The figure was just standing there, motionless.

After a second, I heard a loud crack and the zombie fell to the floor in front of me. Light enveloped the room and I sighed in relief as I saw Elliot standing there, a bloody axe in his hand. Wyatt, Ben and Jo were behind him, their eyes wide in fear.
“Are you okay?” Asked Wyatt as he pushed past Elliot and stepped over the corpse to hug me.
“I’m fine.” I replied, the shakiness of my voice betraying me. “Thanks Elliot.”
“My pleasure!” He beamed. “That was terrific! Are there any more?” He darted around the room, cupping his hands against the windows to look outside.
“I don’t think so.” I replied, surprised at his enthusiasm.
“Damn.” He said, the axe dropping to his side in disappointment. “That was my first zombie kill!” He turned back to face us, grinning like a child on Christmas morning.
We all just stared at him, not knowing how to react to his warped excitement.
“Elliot, Eva could have been killed.” Wyatt said, trying to communicate the seriousness of what just happened.
“I know!” He said, throwing his arms up into the air, blood splattering on the floor from the axe. That just seemed to make him even more excited. “We all could have been killed! Torn to shreds by a rotting, flesh-eating zombie! But I saved the day. It was marvellous!”
We watched as he made his way past us, smiling to himself as he walked down the hall and into his room. “Marvellous!” He called again before closing the door.
“I don’t know what’s scarier; the fact that a zombie got in or his excitement that a zombie got in.” Said Ben as he stared down at the body lying on the kitchen floor.
“We better get rid of this.” Said Wyatt. “We’ll just dump it over the fence.” He and Ben pulled on disposable gloves and started moving the body out of the house, with Jo and I leading the way with flashlights we found in one of the kitchen cupboards.
“There’s footprints here.” I said, shining the light on the muddy tracks on the driveway.
“Let’s follow them, maybe we’ll find out how this guy got through the fence.” Suggested Wyatt.

Jo and I shone the lights on the ground as we carefully followed the footprints. After a few minutes of walking, we reached the front gate of the property. It was wide open.
“Shit!” Said Ben, dropping the zombie’s legs in shock.
“Quick!” Said Wyatt. “We’ll just throw him out there and shut the gate.” He and Ben shuffled quickly through the gate, dumped the body in the trees and ran back inside, slamming the gate shut behind them.
“Is the lock broken?” I asked, trying to figure out how a mindless zombie could pick a lock.
“No,” Said Wyatt, confusion in his voice. “It’s been unlocked.”
“Well, we all know who’s crazy enough to do that!” Said Ben as Wyatt tightened the chains around the gates and clicked the padlock closed.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He said defensively.
“He’s the only one with a key, Wyatt.” Snapped Ben as he folded his arms over his chest.
“He wouldn’t do that, Ben. He’s my brother.” Said Wyatt as he started storming back up the driveway.
“Yeah, well, you’re brother is a few beers short of a six-pack, mate.”
“Ben, shut up! What the hell is wrong with you?” Asked Jo.
“Eva,” said Ben, ignoring Jo. “You’re smart, surely you can see that something weird is going on in this place?”

Wyatt stopped then, turning to see what I would say. I sighed, not wanting to be caught in the middle of their argument or hurt Wyatt, but I knew I had to tell the truth.
“Honestly?” I started, taking a deep breath. “I don’t know. Something feels… not right.”
“Eva!” Jo gasped, surprised that I was siding with Ben.
Even though it was dark, I could see the pain of betrayal in Wyatt’s face.
“I’m sorry, guys. Maybe I’m just tired or paranoid, but Ben has a point. Elliot is the only one with a key, and he was disturbingly excited about that zombie almost ripping my throat out. Something just doesn’t add up.” I paused, waiting for the backlash.
“I told you guys before we got here,” Wyatt said quietly, clearly hurting. “He’s eccentric. Yes, he’s a little nuts, but he’s not a psychopath. He wouldn’t deliberately invite zombies into his own house.”
Ben grunted, unconvinced.
“Maybe he just forgot to lock the gate.” Wyatt said.
“I’ll be sure to ask him in the morning.” Said ben.
Wyatt sighed, his shoulders dropping. “You do that, Ben. I’m going to bed.”

We followed Wyatt back towards the house. I made sure to keep a few steps behind him, knowing he must be furious with me. It was almost unbearable to know that I wounded him like that, but I couldn’t deny my worries about Elliot.

I hoped more than anything that I was wrong, and felt just as eager as Ben to hear his side of the story in the morning.


Author's Note:

Who's the most kickass zombie killer of all time?

Write your answer in the comments or tweet your answer to me @JenMarieWilde – I'll be posting a list of the TOP 5 ZOMBIE KILLERS on my blog next week, and I'll be sharing YOUR comments/tweets in it!

U P D A T E : I compiled all your answers to make a list of The Top 5 Zombie Killers Of All Time. Click the external link below to see who made the list.

While We Fall (The Eva Series #2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant