Chapter 1 - A Blossoming Romance

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            Magnus sat on the couch in his living room waiting patiently for Alec to arrive. They had been dating for quite some time but they had yet to go on the Friday night date they had planned for, the night Alec asked him out. Since everything in the Shadowhunter World had settled down with Sebastian being killed, Magnus believed it was time for the date to occur. He had called Alec a few hours ago to let him know in advance about the date; they were going to dinner and a movie. It was the most mundane date possible but it was also something apart from the world of killing demons and worrying about possibly dying every day. The date was a sort of escape they both needed.

            He fidgeted with his shirt making sure it was perfect; Magnus was nervous for the first time. Every other date he had attending was simple and easy but a date with Alec was making him nervous. He had spent the first two hours after calling Alec to pick out the outfit that suited him best. It had resulted in a pair of dark jeans and a bedazzled top; topped with spikey and glittery hair it would be just perfect. And, a pair of shimmering boots would complete the outfit of course. After he finally managed to decide on the outfit, Magnus had spent an hour in the shower making sure he was as clean as he could possibly get. Then he got ready, did his spikey and glittery hair, and then all of those things lead up to the date.

            There was a knock on the door and Magnus hurried to answer it by simply snapping his fingers.

            “Have you ever thought about answering the door like a normal person?” Alec stood in the doorway wearing his usually pants and dark hoodie but Magnus’s heart still skipped a beat. It would never matter what Alec was wearing, Magnus would think he looked beautiful.  

            “It’s so much easier with magic Alexander.” He stood and crossed the living room, stopping in front of Alec and Alec, without hesitation, lightly kissed Magnus.

            “You have a point.”

            “And we have a date to get to.” Magnus offered Alec up his arm and Alec quickly took it. Magnus noted that Alec seemed to be as eager for the date to start as he did.

            “What is the plan for tonight exactly? You wouldn’t tell me anything in the phone call either than the fact that we were going on a date.” Magnus recalled that he had not told Alec anything about the date. The idea of surprising Alec with the best night of his life was so tempting that Magnus ceased the chance to keep the date secret from Alec, although, he had called Isabelle Lightwood to inquire about Alec’s favourite food. She was not any help.

            “I thought we could get dinner at a new restaurant that just opened near my place then we could go see a movie. Nothing to exciting but it’ll help us relax after everything that has happened in the last year.” Magnus walked with Alec from his apartment towards the new restaurant that had opened up near there. They had a special opening night that Magnus had attended and after trying their delicious food, he knew that Alec would need to eat there with him. The atmosphere was also perfect for their date.

            “I’ve never been to a movie or seen one.” Magnus hadn’t realized before now that it would be Alec’s first time seeing a movie. Shadowhunters weren’t big into the mundane world and movies are quite a mundane thing.

            “Well a movie is basically a story told visually on a big screen. That was a terrible explanation.”

            “I know what a movie is Magnus; they’re something we’ve learned about. I’ve just never been to one or seen one.” Magnus continued to walk with Alec, remembering the first time he had been to the movies. After living as long as he had these events tend to blur together and Magnus couldn’t remember when he had stopped attending the theatre and started attending movies. It would have been some time around when movies were first being shown but Magnus still couldn’t remember the first movie he had seen; not that it mattered. His first movie with Alec would be the movie that mattered.

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