Chapter 2 - Desperate

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                Magnus opened the door to the theatre for Alec, allowing him to enter. Once they were both inside, he shrugged off his jacket and tossed it over his arm. “Welcome to the movie theatre Alec, it is not as grand as a traditional but it will do.”

            “It’s so different than I expected and there are mundanes everywhere.” Magnus watched Alec’s eyes take in the room; from the Mundanes heading everywhere with popcorn to the Mundanes laughing about that which they had just seen. Magnus was used to these sorts of things because he spent a lot of time wrapped in the mundane world along with the Shadowhunter world; he could tell a lot about both.

            “Well it is a public place after all, somewhere that mundanes come to escape the harsh days of their lives.” He heard Alec grumble beside him.

            “They don’t live harsh lives at all; they are oblivious to that which happens around them. I fight every day to protect precious mundane lives; many Shadowhunters die for them.” Magnus knew what Alec was getting at but he didn’t understand what it was like to be mundane. They spent their days working, attending school, and providing for their families; Alec just got to fight demons all the time.

            “They live different lives Alexander; they are hard in their own way. But, never mind that, what movie would you like to see? There is a movie about wizards but I may find that offensive depending on their take on wizards; there is a film about the freezing of the Earth, and there is a sappy love story. I am willing to see whichever one you prefer.”

            Alec took his time deciding exactly what movie he wanted to see. Wizards was ruled out the second Magnus mentioned he may be offended. “We should see the one about the Earth freezing; there are no books about that sort of thing in the Institute.”

            Magnus listened to Alec’s response and made his way over to the ticket counter so that he could buy their tickets. There was a slight moment of agitation when Alec insisted on buying the tickets, but Magnus easily shut him up with promises of other opportunities for him to pay.

            “Would you like anything to eat? There are drinks, popcorn, candy, and a lot of other types of food.”

            “I think I am good Magnus; you fed me such a wonderful dinner.” Alec smiled a partial smile that Magnus believed Alec never noticed. It had a hint of shyness but also a hint of happiness to it.

            “Well then, let us go see your very first movie.” Magnus offered Alec his hand, who took it very quickly. They showed their ticket to the Usher, than made their way into the theatre. It was almost empty considering that it was getting late. Magnus made the choice that they should sit in the back, because of the better view and something he wasn’t going to tell Alec about yet.

            “It’s so different to be here at the movie, it’s peaceful. Compared to our everyday life of fighting demons, this is place is a palace.”

            “Mundanes fight their own demons every day; they come here to escape them, just like you are now.”

            “I never thought of it that way, but you have a point, they do have their own demons. Everyone has a personal demon they have to fight off; mine is the fear of losing the ones I love.” Magnus wrapped an arm around Alec to ensure him that he would never lose him. Their relationship would last forever if Magnus could help it; he was determined to find a way to make Alec immortal.

            “You’ll never loose me.” Magnus wanted to say more but the lights dimmed and the movies started. It was apparently called ‘The Day After Tomorrow’ and the whole Earth was freezing. Magnus had to admit that it was a pretty interesting movie and there was a slight chance that the movie could become a real life situation one day. If the type of event occurred in the future, Magnus would know exactly where to go before anyone else.

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