Chapter 3 - A New Start

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             The next morning, Magnus woke to an Alec who was in deep sleep. He got up quietly and kissed Alec softly while pulling the blanket up around him; it still didn’t wake him up. Deciding that it would be best to let Alec sleep, Magnus decided to get breakfast made for when Alec did wake up. After being present for one of Izzy’s many cooking attempts, Magnus felt bad for Alec. He knew that Maryse could cook but from the sounds of the state of the Institute, she wasn’t doing much of that.

            “Chairman,” said Magnus softly as he opened his door and his cat walked right in. The Chairman always acted like he owned the place and he was likely heading for Magnus’ bed; Magnus only hoped that Chairman Meow would let Alec sleep.

            He walked into the kitchen and looked around for a moment. Magnus had never once stepped into the kitchen he owned because there was never anyone to cook for. He knew that anything he needed could easily be gotten with magic so it wouldn’t be too hard to make anything he decided .Magnus’ decision for breakfast was the all traditional American breakfast of bacon, eggs, pancakes, home fries, and toast. 

            Chairman Meow padded out of the room as Magnus started cooking; it was his breakfast time. Magnus took a quick break to give the Chairman his breakfast. Once the cat was fed, Magnus started cutting potatoes which he got from who knows where. Once the potatoes where cut, he made the batter for the pancakes, then began cooking everything. He worked quickly and with a skilled hand that only years of practice cooking would give. His pancakes all came out perfectly browned and his hash browns were just the right texture. He was more than happy with all the work he was doing and how well it was turning out.

            “Magnus?” a very sleepy eyed, messy haired and shirtless Alec came into the kitchen. He looked as if he had just woken up after the best night of his life which Magnus would assume it was.

            “How did you sleep Alexander? I thought about waking you up when I got up but you just looked too peaceful.” Magnus removed the last of the bacon from the pan and smiled over at the love of his life.

            “I slept better than I ever have before; you have a very comfy bed.” Alec watched him for a moment then sat at the table.

            “Maybe it’s not bed that is comfy.” Magnus winked and brought the finished plates of different breakfast foods to the table. Alec looked surprised each time Magnus brought over another dish.

            “Did you do this because you know how much breakfasts at the Institute are terrible? Izzy likes to think she is amazing at making everything but she really isn’t.” Alec smiled at Magnus; he wasn’t going to serve himself until Magnus sat.

            “I did it,” said Magnus as he sat, “because I thought waking up to breakfast made by your boyfriend would seem romantic.”

               “You forgot the most romantic part of kissing me good morning.”

            “You’re very right,” Magnus leaned across the table and pressed his lips to Alec’s. He kept the kiss soft but was still able to easily part Alec’s lips to kiss him in a deeper fashion.

            “Now everything is perfectly romantic,” said a breathless Alec as Magnus drew back. Alec then started to serve himself food; two pancakes, some bacon, some home fries, two eggs, and a piece of toast to start. It was a large amount of food but Alec also had to live with Izzy’s cooking which left him very thin.

            “What do you think? It’s been a while since I have cooked for anyone so I am sorry if it wasn’t very tasty.” Magnus had barely eaten any food of his own, leaving Alec to worry about him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2014 ⏰

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