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The emotion that heals your heart, is so often the same that will break it,

If I'd been born a little smarter, I would've known and not felt this goddamn mentally naked,


Cause now I'm left staring at an empty bed, the impression of your body left on my sheets,

I just stand and stare, and listen to my heart skip too many of its vital beats,


I then close my lids, when the sight begins to burn my eyes,

I thought the love we shared was kept the same place where our trust so loyally lies,


But now that you're gone I realize how bitterly I was mistaken,

Yet despite your unfaithfulness, I hope that this is but a nightmare from which I will soon awaken,


Just blindfold me now, take my sight - I don't want to see,

If I can't be in your loving arms, then what is the point of even being me?

Beyond The NeedleTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang