Chapter Twenty-One - Gerard's POV

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I only have fifteen minutes to write this author's note / edit, so please excuse the rushed manner and terrible editing of this. Anyway, there's a few important things I want and need to say:

Wow, high school is stressful. I think I took out a lot of my depression out on this chapter, so I apologize for that.
I'm just going to go ahead and slap a giant TRIGGER WARNING across the rest of the story. (If you don't already know what that means, then you probably don't need to know, but I would still google it just to be sure.) Like, a huge, giant, flashing sign "trigger warning" outlined in neon yellow, and bolded, twice italicized, slapped across the cover of this. There's no actual action of it (you know what I mean,) in this chapter, but there is quite a lot of talking about it.
A short bit of background on your author- Frank and Gerard's stories (you'll see what I mean, once you start reading,) are both a combination of my own, but my methods and most of my reasoning for my madness are Gerard's.

If you know me in real life, I'm just going to go ahead and say that, no, I do not want to talk about, nor will I ever want to talk about it. If you're my girlfriend (hello, Kayleigh!) and you happen to be reading this chapter... Well, I'll just say that I wish you weren't, and if you want to talk about, then I guess we can try.

Well, I'm running out of time (actually, this entire note only took six minutes to type, I'm proud of myself,) so I have to go!

Enjoy the story.


Frank swimming was probably the single most entertaining thing I had ever witnessed in my life. His hair stuck to his forehead and he scrunched up his nose when he realized this as he sat next to me on the ground, carefully pulling wet strands away from his face.

"I look like a dork," he said, blinking at me.

I just laughed, reaching over and moving as much hair out of his face as I could. "At least it's shorter than it was yesterday, it's a good thing you cut it last night. You'd have hair stuck to your nose if you hadn't."

He rolled his eyes and waved his hand around a bit in attempts to knock mine away from his hair. "Whatever," he said, looking down. "It's cut, it's over with. Can't change it now."

I blinked rapidly, frowning at him. He'd been so moody lately, perfectly fine one minute and then seeming upset or annoyed about something the next. "Are you okay?"

He looked up, returning the rapid blinks. "I'm fine. Why?"

"It's- it's nothing," I said, looking away, focusing my eyes on the surface of the pool water. Maybe if I stared at it long enough, the glare of the sun's light would blind me. "You just... Never mind. It's not important."

"Gerard, it is too important if-"

There was a sudden yell of, "Cannon ball!" which drowned out Frank's voice, followed by a loud splash that made me duck behind Frank, who hid himself pointlessly behind his hands.

Someone started shouting, "Andy Hurley, I will fucking kill you if you get my radio wet," and there was a burst of laughter followed by two more people jumping into the pool.

I jumped, water hitting my face.

Frank snickered at me. "Idiot. If you don't want to get wet, don't come to the pool."

I rolled my eyes, wiping my cheek with the back of my hand, trying to judge how cold the water was. "Pete invited all three of us, and anyway, you and Mikey are both really enjoying yourselves. I'm perfectly fine sitting here with my pizza. It would've been impolite to not accept the offer."

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