Chapter Thirty-One - Gerard's POV

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Hey everyone! It hasn't been too long since the last update, but I've done a lot of thinking since then, and have decided that it's time for Folie to come to an end. I love this fic, and I love writing this fic, but it can't last forever. I've been writing it since 2012, I started it when I was thirteen years old and I'm fifteen now and so much has changed. I've done a lot of growing, and the characters have, too.
I knew since I started the story that I didn't want the ending to seem final. When something ends, there is always opportunity for something new to begin. This being said, there will not be a Folie sequel of any sorts, because I think all that needs to be said has been said. The new beginning, here, is the beginning of the rest of these character's lives. I decided not to make this ending seem final, because the boys are young and in love and there is so much left for them to learn together.

I hope that this chapter is good closure for the story. If there are any questions that you still have, please, feel free to ask them. If I get many questions, I might do an FAQ to clear up any confusion.

I've truly, truly loved writing Folie. It's been an amazing experience, and the support, comments, and encouragement that I've received has been astounding. I never thought that this story would become this big of a deal or receive so much positive feedback. I'm so thankful for everyone who has read this- anyone who has commented or sent a kind word has had an impact on my writing habits, encouraging me and reminding me to keep writing each time I hear from you guys.

Knowing all of this, it's hard to move on, but for those of you who are interested, I am now writing a second fic called The Ghost Room. It's an AU about Frank, who works in a record store with his best friend Ryan (yes, Ryan Ross, for those of you wondering,) when one day he meets Gerard and things start to get a little crazy from there. It's posted on both my Wattpad account and on my AO3 account (youhitlikeagxrl,) and I really hope that you guys will all check it out. I'm hoping to write it even bigger and better than Folie, I'm still working on just the second chapter but the ideas and scenes that I'm creating so far have been so fun to write and the plot is coming together so intensely. I really hope that people enjoy The Ghost Room as much as they have Folie.

There's not much left to say, I suppose, so I'll send you all off to reading with this: keep an eye out for familiar phrases, in this chapter. There's a lot of references to the first Folie chapter that I'm hoping people will catch, haha.

This has been fun and this had been amazing. I sincerely do hope that you all enjoy. Thank you.


You could tell a lot about a person by seeing how they act in a cemetery. You could tell a lot more if you actually, y'know, talked to them, but cemeteries held a lot of secrets. They were private but annoyingly open in nature- they were raw, upsetting places to be. People cried there, they got angry. Cemeteries were extremely honest, though, so I guess that's what I liked about them. The names and dates on the tombstones didn't lie.

Where my grandma was buried wasn't the nicest place. The grass was unruly, so long it looked tangled in places. The hills seemed to slump with the weight of all the grieving that went on between the old iron fences. The entire place looked tired. Tired and sad and very much alone. It was dark out, it was four thirty in the fucking morning, but it wasn't eerie or anything. I'd never been afraid of graveyards, I found their atmosphere calming. No matter who we were or what we had done or how we had died, we still ended up buried with polished stones like crowns above our heads. All living creatures are equals in the end and I guess I found that comforting, because no matter how terrible of a person I felt I sometimes was, when I was dead no one would have to put up with that anymore. I would just be another patch of grass with a granite crown.

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