Chapter Twenty-Five - Gerard's POV

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Hi everyone! Sorry this chapter is extremely, obnoxiously short, and I'm sorry that it took me so long to get published. There's been a lot going on, between my temporary homeschooling (because I still have that mono-like virus,) the holidays (happy early holidays, everyone!) and the Fall Out Boy concert I went to. (Six bands played, including FOB; and, oh, did I mention that my girlfriend and I met up in the bathroom and I totally had my first kiss and she is totally the cutest thing in the entire fucking world? Yeah. That happened too.) Between all of this, though, I've also been struggling a lot with depression and such (bleh) so everything has just been slow and rough and confusing. However, I have decided to do something special for you guys, since I've been neglecting both you and the story (I know at one point I mentioned posting a teaser for a story idea I'm working on, but that might have to wait, sorry):

I've decided to start an (which is a website where you can make a profile and others can ask anonymous questions) from Folie!Frank and Folie!Gerard's point of view! Anything you ask on that account will be answered in character, unless stated otherwise with the standard OOC// (Out Of Character) thing. This way, we can keep the story going even when I'm taking forever to post, haha! You won't have to follow the to keep up with the story,it'll just kind of be like an extended experience, I guess, but if something happens on the account that I really like, I might try to squish it into the actual plot of Folie somehow, so keep the questions interesting and you might just see something you brought up in the actual story itself! The account is (and my personal is

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy! Sorry again for the delayed update / short chapter! I really hope the makes up for it haha.

P.S. I absolutely hate this chapter, like, with a passion. I think it's the worse one so far, so if you think the same, I totally understand haha.


It hit me like a ton of bricks in the chest.


He hugged me tighter. "I kissed Pete," he whispered.

I didn't know what to do.

I didn't know what to feel or what to think or how to react; in theory, I should've immediately been upset with him. I should have shoved him away and yelled and gotten upset and cried.

He kissed Pete.

But I wasn't upset, I couldn't be upset with him.

I mean, I'd hurt him, hadn't I?

I almost felt like I deserved this.

He'd been honest with me, he'd told me that he loved me, but I had been too much of a coward to admit that I loved him, too, and then when he needed me, I wasn't there. I deserved this.

I didn't know exactly what to do.

"I'm sorry," he told me.

"We should-" I sighed, squeezing my eyes shut, pressing my lips against his hair. "Fuck, Frank... We need to talk about this, I-"

His fingers curled against my shirt, digging against my skin. I was sure my hips would be bruised in the morning but for some reason, I didn't mind.

"If you're going to break up with me," he said, trembling. "Just go ahead and fucking do it."

I froze. "What?"

He tore away from me, wrapping his arms instantly around himself. "I don't want Pete," he said, his voice shaky. "I want you, Gerard, okay? But if you- if you don't trust me, or- just, oh fuck, I know I screwed up, okay? I know I screwed up, I know I'm an idiot. Don't make this worse than it has to be. Just do it already."

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