Chapter Two (Edited 8/28/2020)

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Silently Falling Chapter Two

Once we got to school, Alyse and I started out walk to Music class while Toby hung back by his truck to flirt with some other seniors gawking over him. 

Alyse and I carefully maneuver our ways through the dull blue hallways of East Bridge High School, every other locker stamped with a blue and gold Spartan head, our schools mascot. 

"When was the last time you and I watched The Hunger Games?" Alyse asks.

"Two weeks ago?"

"We need to watch it again. I saw a tweet about Jennifer Lawrence's ridiculous crying face, so I have to see for myself if it's that bad."

"Every actress has her own crying face, you really think hers is that bad?"

"The tweet seemed to think so." 

We reach our Music class, just a short walk from the entrance to school. I follow Alyse through our chatting classmates to our normal seat to the left and in the front. I can't sit too far back in any class because if a teacher wants me to be a part of the discussion, I have to write my response on my trusty whiteboard. I take it with me to every class, otherwise participating is a whole lot harder. It makes it easy for people to buy me birthday presents- every year I think I get 10 new packs of dry erase markers. 

"Okay, show me a better crying face then." 

Alyse freezes at my response, shifting awkwardly in her seat as she glances around at our classmates. "Right here?"

I nod.

"Right now?"

Another nod.

"What if the new guy is in this class, though?" She rushes out in a voice just louder than a whisper.

I scrunch my face up in confusion, and Alyse tilts her head.

"You haven't heard?"

"No, what new guy?"

"I haven't heard too much about it, but apparently everyone found out he was coming over the weekend. Word is it's West."

I just stare blankly at her. Is that supposed to mean something to me?

"West Love." Alyse adds with more emphasis.

I finally show her the reaction she was waiting for, shock prevalent on my face, and she gives an over dramatic nod. 

"The dude who was sent to jail when he was 17? That West Love?" 

"Well juvie not jail, but yes that's the one. And before you ask, no. No one is certain of why he went in. You've heard all the rumors, though. One of them is bound to be true." 

My mouth is agape, but Alyse has turned her attention to her phone to stalk Toby's Instagram for the millionth time. Just as I'm about to wave my hand near her face to gain her attention again, I hear our music teacher, Mr. C, call for me. I glance to the front of the room where he's standing in front of the whiteboard, a warm smile on his chestnut skin. 

"Good morning," he signs. 

Mr. C is the one teacher of mine who took the time to learn sign language for me. He's been my music teacher since freshman year, and he refused to let me drop just for my lack of a voice. Instead, rather than pushing me over to band where I would be the only pianist, he broadened this class to include a role for a pianist. Typically, this is a class for chorus, but Mr. C gives me alternate assignments to earn my credits. He has me play the piano for warm-ups, for rehearsals, and even at our concerts in order to pass. It's sort of like a year-long piano class. 

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