Chapter Thirty (Edited 1/5/2021)

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Thank you again to Shall_Know_Pain for another amazing cover! You've sent in a bunch and I really appreciate it :) If anyone else wants to send me one to fill the new chapters, you can DM me on Instagram (Liz_Plum) or email me.

1/5/2021-  First edit of the new year! It took me three days to write this chapter, mainly because I know how important it is and I wanted to make sure I wrote it the right way. This is a completely rewritten chapter; honestly, the rest of the story is pretty much going to be rewritten. I know that most of you were not fans of the Tyler vs. West jealousy arc, and while that will still play a role, it won't take up like 10 chapters as it did before the edits lol. I will be posting the original, unedited story soon!

Silently Falling: Chapter Thirty

My Dad stays there comforting me for as long as I need. He remains quiet; either too nervous to ask more questions or too distraught to know how. My tears eventually cease, leaving me with a pounding headache. The persistent rain storm outside is no help to the ache in my head; every time a large droplet hits the metal rain guard outside, the sound is like another dagger to my skull. 

Dad carefully lets me go when I stop shaking with sobs, and I instantly miss the comfort of his hug. I sniffle and wipe at the dried tear stains on my red cheeks, cringing at the salty residue left behind. 

"What happened?" 

His voice is tentative, barely louder than the damn pounding of the rain against the metal rain guard outside. 

I swallow to try and relieve the scratchiness of my throat, to no avail, and try to speak my response. It works, but there's no mistaking the unbearable strain.

"West knew-" another hard swallow "-all along."

His eyes widen instantly, jaw clenching too. 


I nod.

He has to glance away from me and take in a deep breath.


"He has an issue with the Snow's too," I manage to say, though every word is coming out scratchier than the last and I know it won't be long before my voice gives out.

Dad's face switches from shock to concern and he reaches for my hands, shaking his head softly. 

"Hold on, sweetheart. Take this slow, okay? Use ASL for now; at least until we can get you to a speech pathologist." 

Now it's my turn for a shocked reaction. I shoot out of our sitting position on the ground and stand up, throwing my hands out in frustration.

"I just got my voice back!" I try to yell, but my throat stings with every word and I wince hard.

Dad stands as well, taking a small step towards me as his eyes plead with me to understand. 

"I know you did and I want more than anything to keep hearing you talk, but I can hear how hard it is for you. You got past the mental block. Now we need to ease into getting past the physical strain of using your vocal chords so much for the first time in years."

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