Chapter Fourteen (Edited 9/29/2020)

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Last chapter only got 100 votes :( :( But I believe we can get that up!!

9/29/2020 - ^ oh wow how far I have come... makes me so incredibly thankful :)This was the original chapter 13 of the un-edited story, in case anyone was keeping tabs on the individual chapters, haha. This chapter was pretty much re-written. The scene and setting is the same, but I did change the song and instead of having West only sing a line or two....well, you'll see.

The song attached will make an appearance, and I would like to say that I'm aware this particular song is not on a piano. But it holds too much meaning to Raine and to me for me not to include it. So, please ignore the little instrument difference lol.

Silently Falling: Chapter Fourteen

West stays true to his word and comes over at 5 o'clock on the dot. I had been chilling on the couch with Toby as we both did our homework, me sipping on some water and him on a can of Dr. Pepper. He's lounged out on the "L" part of our sectional, flipping through his Calculus textbook lazily as he stares down the problems he should be doing. I have my legs tucked under me, my English notebook sprawled out my lap as I sort through what other questions I should ask West for my essay.

New questions popped up today after watching his interaction with Warren. But these may not be questions I can flat out ask. The more I question him about his past with Warren (because I'm realizing that there definitely is one) the more he may question me about my own past. And I am not ready for that.

"West's here," Toby grunts, lifting his head to eye the black Jeep pulling up through the window.

I set my notes down on the couch next to me, uncrossing my legs to stand up. Toby also stands and walks towards the window, eyes narrowing as he gently tugs on the parted curtains to get a better view.

"He seems a little pissed."

I furrow my brow and crane my neck to see outside the window. West is still sitting inside his Jeep with his hands tightly holding his steering wheel as he stares ahead at the house, knuckles white from the power of his grip. His face is contorted into anger, dark eyes lost in his thoughts, but I note something else in his expression that I can't place.

"I guess Warren really set him off," Toby muses, letting the curtains fall back to their usual place.

I can still see West through the gap in the curtains. He finally lets his grip go on the steering wheel and steps out of the Jeep, shutting the door behind him with a little more force than necessary and my heart starts to pound harder against my chest. I don't want to deal with an angry West, especially not since I have seen his threatening glares. If those eyes were at all directed at me, I don't think I could handle it. I'd be terrified.

Toby notes my frozen stance in the middle of the living room and walks over to me, brows pulling together out of concern.

"You okay, Raine? I can stay downstairs and keep doing my homework in here."

I blink a few times and focus my eyes on him, plastering a reassuring smile on my face.

"It's okay. I have to ask a few more questions about juvie and he may be most comfortable if it was just us two."

Toby eyes my warily until West knocks on the door a few seconds later, and then backs off.

"Okay, I'll be in my room if you need me." He then retreats up the steps as I go towards the front door.

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