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"so here we are." taehyung said, "just you and i. i and you."

"shut up." i answered, flipping a page in my notebook. taehyung sighed.


i was hoping it wouldn't come to this, but i needed to study. and if taehyung was my last lifeline, then so be it.

i couldn't study alone; it wasn't in my skill set to do it by myself. furthermore, i didn't have it in me to just let him fail. but our videochat session had been dragging on for nearly two hours, going from five friends, to four, to three and then two. i was tired in general, and still highly annoyed with taehyung.

in essence, i wasn't in the mood to sugar coat anything.

too irritated to even look up the page, i rested my head in my palm as i scratched endless numbers and letters between the lines. taehyung didn't say anything. i spoke first.

"let's just keep studying, alright?"

he still wouldn't speak.

i looked up and found the camera positioned right under his nose, like a child trying to find games on your phone. his eyes became narrow from the grin that the camera couldn't catch, an ugly laugh emitted from his throat, and i rolled my eyes.

"so," he bit his lip, finally settling down, "how are you?"

"didn't i just say we're only studying?"

"but i want to know how you've been."

"i've been annoyed and tired."


taehyung coughed. i kept flipping between pages.

"this is the part where you say, 'what about you, taehyung?'" he implied, brows coming together in a youthful frown. i looked at the study sheet hoseok and i made earlier then to the screen, deadpanning.

"only people who care say that."

his smile went away.

only for a minute.

"liar," he chuckled.

i ignored him, lifting my notebook to show a handdrawn diagram, "kang said we're gonna need to know what a wave looks like 90 degrees out of phase, so i think we should go over that diagram and the others."

taehyung observed it for awhile until he shook his head and grinned. i rolled my eyes, already anticipating his useless reply.

"yeah, i don't understand that, so you're going to have to explain it to me."

"well neither do i." i muttered, "i thought you knew."

"i don't though."

"clearly not."

he rubbed his eyes and yawned, falling back onto his pillows. seeing him all cuddled up in his bed and pajamas like that made me wonder why i was still sitting up at my desk. my back was hurting and i sat with a slouch, leaning over onto the white wood. when taehyung's eyes moved downward on the screen, i became consciously aware of my boobs, and the way they were spilling out of my top.

and now i was consciously more irritated. i zipped my onesie up all the way to its collar in one swift motion.

he seemed to flush with embarrassment, but with my focus centered on the notebook paper before me, i only caught a glimpse of his wide eyes and his tongue running over his chapped lips.

he cleared his throat.

"aren't you going to call me stupid?"

"why would i do that?" i inquired monotonously, pretending to write something relevant to our study session on the paper. however, judging by the crack in my voice, i'm sure he was able to tell that i was becoming a little more interested in what he was saying to me than the diffraction diagram i was recreating in my notebook.

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