[47] new messages!

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[lowkey this is one day after the last chapter and in 
taehyung's pov but only lowkey okey.]

"why didn't you tell me?"

i was expecting to come home to an empty house. instead, there areum was, sprawled across my navy blue bedding. 

after the initial surprise of finding her there, i let out a breath and made my way over with a ruffle of my hair. i fell back onto the bed beside her and smiled, cocking my head innocently.

"tell you what?"

"that you're being abused."


i sighed. i knew areum would do this. but i guess it's my fault. if i had actually checked to make sure the videochat was muted, she wouldn't know about ahsung's temper tantrum. damn, how much stupider can i get?

guess i really am a dope.

i mean, i didn't want areum to see that. i didn't need her to know anything more about ahsung than she already had, but my little slip up cost me that privilege. now she would never stop prying. neither of them would.

except ahsung usually pried her way into my business out of a place of jealousy; areum, she did it out of a place of genuine care. looking her over now, it wasn't that hard to see. because i had never been with a serious areum, not even once. but she wasn't laughing now. 

not smiling. not even being sarcastic. 

i shifted uncomfortably, rolling over so i wouldn't have to look at her anymore. 

"because i'm not." i sighed, "her hitting me was a one time thing. most of the time it's just yelling. she's just a bit snappy is all."

"no, she has anger issues."

"it's not that big a deal."

i felt her fingertips against the skin of my wrist, peeling the sleeve of my sweatshirt back until it was cuffed at my bicep. once or twice i winced. my skin was still tender from the night before. i still didn't turn around.

"there are bruises all up and down your arms, and you mean to tell me it's not that big a deal?"

"pretty much," i chuckled.

she let my sleeve go and i rolled the fabric back down. with a yawn, i sat up on the edge of the bed and peeled my pants off until i was in nothing but boxers and my sweatshirt. maybe she would get the memo and leave. because if she was going to be a bother about ahsung, i didn't want to talk. 

areum didn't move though.

i still wasn't facing her, but nothing kept me from feeling her unsure gaze settling on my back. it was becoming irritating now. i wanted her to go. not that i was annoyed with her per say; i was glad she cared. but i was more annoyed at even the thought of talking about the complications of my relationship. i wasn't in the mood.

"you're not you anymore, you know that?"

i felt her weight shift on the bed, then her legs around me from behind. her head settled at the nape of my neck and her cheek pressed against my back. the flyaways of her makeshift bun tickled my skin wherever my sweatshirt couldn't cover it. last were her hands around my stomach, and the heat signature of her body pressed against mine. 

i liked the close contact. but i knew where this was going, and so i rolled my eyes.

"you don't sound like yourself. i was wondering why. now i know," she muttered.

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