Chapter Six

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I plunged my hands in the soapy, dish water, ignoring the scalding heat. The kitchens around me were busy and loud. Servents were racing around trying to prepare breakfast for the royal family and the Princess.

The head chef was racing around, yelling at anyone who dared disagree with her. I, myself, did my best to stay out of her way. Where most people saw a reason to sympathize when they looked at me, all she saw was another servent.

There was no pity from her, and I had never been more grateful to be ignored.

I scrubbed away at a pot, looking up out the window. It was just after sunrise, and the working people of Camelot were beginning to rise and start their day. The lords and ladies, however, still had hours to sleep.

I was envious of them, but I also knew I was not made to be a lady. I was a servent, through and through, no matter how much I was limited by my status.

"You clumsy girl!"

I jumped to attention at the loud voice. The head chef was yelling in my face, and I couldn't figure out why, until she had stepped back a couple of feet and I could see that her dress was soaked with dish water.

I had accidentally splashed water all over her.

I gasped, and flew my hands up to my face, doing my best to hide my smile. She looked mighty funny, standing there yelling at me while soaked with water, and bubbles in her hair. I apparently didn't hide my amusement very well, however, and she grew more furious.

"Do you find this humorous?" She demanded, propping her hands on her hips.

I giggled slightly; I couldn't help it. She narrowed her eyes, and people watched on, attempting to hide their own giggles. I bowed lowly so that she could not see my face.

"Please forgive me for my insolence, madam."

There was silence, so I comtinued, looking up through my eyelashes at her.

"Where I am from, it is a sign of respect to douse the head chef in...dirty dish water." I had to pause to hold back my giggles.

Some of the other servents burst into chuckles at my boldfaced lie, but all was silent other than that, waiting for the response the head chef would have.

"Very well then."

People gaped in disbelief. They couldn't believe she had let me go in face of the blatant lie. Only I had seen the flash of amusement cross her face.

I straightened up, and I was about continue with my work, but her voice stopped me again.

"I believe it is time for the Princess to receive her breakfast, don't you think?"

I looked out the window to see the sun rising higher and higher in the sky. I nodded, but didn't say anything. I quickly grabbed the tray of food made for Faye and raced out of the kitchens, finally bursting into laughter in the hallway.

I giggled, tightening my grip on the tray of food, as I made my way towards Faye's room. Halfway there, I bumped into a man. I gasped, and focused on steadying the tray, before I looked up at him.


I frowned, confused as to how he knew me, but then I realized it was Arthur's servent. I gave him a small smile.

"Oh! Merlin, right?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"That's me." He said, "I just wanted to know how you were settling in."

"It's so beautiful here. Faye really loves the scenery." I told him, "She wouldn't mind living here for the rest of her life."

"Yes, but I didn't ask about the princess, I asked about you." He retorted.

I sighed, looking away. I started walking down the hall with the tray, and he hurried to follow me.

"Here, let me take that." He said, taking the tray out of my hands. I smiled at him, and together we started walking down the hallway again, making our way towards Faye's room. He was silent, waiting for my reply.

"Camelot is a beautiful kingdom, full of wonderful people." I said.


"But it is not my home."

"I am not originally from Camelot as well." He told me in a show of empathy, "I know exactly how you feel, but I will also tell you: Camelot has a way of burrowing itself into your heart. I swear to you, that you will grow to love this city, as much as the place you now consider home."

I kept silent, and we reached Fayelinn's door. I thanked Merlin, and took the tray from him. He tossed me a lopsided grin, and raced away to help Arthur start his day.

I watched him leave until he had turned the corner, laughing at the lanky man. I turned back to the door with a smile on my face, and knocked before entering the room.

I was surprised at the state the room was in. Clothes were strewn everywhere, jewelry was hanging from anyplace it could, and Fayelinn was standing in the middle of it in her nightgown.

"What the hell have you done?!" I exclaimed, wading through the clothes to set the tray of food on the table.

Faye whirled around to look at me, her hair wild, and her eyes gleaming. She grinned broadly.

"Dawn! I've been waiting for you! You must help me!" She exclaimed.

"Whatever for?!" I asked.

She ignored me and started searching through all of the clothes around the room. I sighed and turned away from the food to make my way towards her. I made sure not to trample on any of the beautiful dresses.

When I reached her, I took Fayelinn's arm in my grasp and led her over to the table.

"How about you eat breakfast and explain yourself." I said, gently.

She sighed, but complied. As she ate, I went around the room, picking up the mess she had made in a haste.

"Now, tell me, what is the reason for trashing your room?"

"I must find the perfect dress!" She declared.

"Whatever for?"


"Uh, what?"

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