Chapter 8- Scorpion

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Chapter 8- Scorpion

Now we are back to our current time. The girl was staring defensively at Bastian and Ben. She wasn't sure what they were up to.

Bastian: "Here is what I propose: I make an oath to get you and I out of slavery to the best of my ability, and you make an oath to protect my life until I reach my Kingdom safely and take back my throne. Both of us will swear oaths to never reveal each other's secrets, deal?"

This was definitely not what she was expecting. She was not only surprised that the boy was a King. He also proposed something that benefited both parties, even though he had the advantage.

Wait, protect? How does he know I can fight?

Bastian: "If you're wondering how I know you can fight, it's your shackles! I only had my legs shackled, yet you had both your arms and legs shackled. Not to mention, I can also tell that your shackles are enchanted. I'm a noble, so I'm very familiar with enchanted objects."

The girl was impressed, his observations were spot on. She was a very strong cultivator, especially for someone her age, in addition, she had a particular set of skills which made her very dangerous. Even the pole she was tied to wasn't normal, it was made out of magically reinforced wood, and constantly sucked vitality out of her body, keeping her weak.

That's when Ben Interjected. "That's right master, she is a member of the Inkume tribe!"

Girl: "!!!"

The Inkume tribe is believed to have existed for thousands of years, it is rumoured that in the past they were a very powerful empire that had met its end after many other empires united against it, fearing it's might.

Now it was only a very large tribe, with many villages hidden throughout the Eastern Islands. Although they are only a tribe, Inkume kinsmen are still feared throughout the continent, for they are without a doubt the best assassins on the continent.

Their children are trained in the arts of killing and torture from a young age, their knowledge of the human body was unmatched. Legend has it that even a simple handshake from a member of the Inkume tribe can kill you, and after you die, no magic, not even a doctor of the highest caliber, would be able to determine the cause of death.

They were feared through every land. To get their children to behave, some parents would even tell stories, like; if you don't behave the Inkume will come for you at night!' This name was without a doubt very fearsome.

Every person on the continent was always told to breathe deeply once you have been seen by an Inkume. Running away from one was impossible, and only the strongest of cultivators could deal with them, so if you're targeted by one, you are told to enjoy your last breath in this life...

Inkume, very interesting, what are the odds?

Sebastian Tirius had also heard about these infamous assassins, in fact, you could say he was very knowledgeable. Every noble child is educated on various important matters about the continent, the Inkume being one of them, especially since they, usually, only target nobles, it is not known why, but since this is so, nobles make sure to educate their children from young.

Bastian looked at the girl in curiously, as if this were the first time he had laid eyes on her. Since Ben was a Soul Sworn, it was impossible for him to lie to Bastian, so there was no doubt as to what she was.

The Inkume were extremely secretive, they were well known for lurking in the shadows at night. Even capturing the corpse of one was very difficult. Yet here she was.

Ben added on, "Master, no one else knows this but me."

"Hhm?" Bastian hummed.

Noticing he had his Master's attention, Ben continued, "I found her in a low class brothel, she was poisoned and unconscious, and about to become a permanent slave there.

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