Chapter 22- Arrogance

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Chapter 22- Arrogance

Bastian regained his consciousness and opened his eyes, dumbfounded by what he saw before him. While still a little dazed, he propped himself up, Bastian absorbed the sights. The room was more like an arena to be precise. The walls were black and had many weapons hanging on it. The roof was as black as night. Yet that was not why Bastian knew it was an arena.

The real reason why Bastian knew that this was an arena was because in the arena besides Bastian was a group of chained people. Each person was chained to one other person.

Having realized this fact, Bastian looked at his shackled feet to see who he was chained to. It was a shivering teenage boy with long white hair. His upper body was bare whilst his lower body only had a loin cloth. This was no different from Bastian and the rest but what made the boy unique was that he was awake, yet his eyes were as lifeless as an abandoned ruin.

His pupils were strange, they were grey. This meant that this boy could have been blind. Yet one look at his eyes and one could tell that, although he was blind, it seemed like he was looking at something and he could actually see whatever he was looking at.

In that particular arena, only this boy and Bastian had been lying on the floor. Everyone else was wide awake and alert.

This is bad. Just where the heck did that woman send me.

Bastian did not need to be told what this was to figure out what this was. The question was, where was he and how did he get here.

Where is V?

His little companion was also nowhere in sight. Just one sniff and Bastian could tell that she was not anywhere nearby.

This was most likely some sort of arena where slaves were forced to fight each other. Such a thing was not uncommon on the Sovereign Continent. This was the main source of entertainment in this one particular region, the Eastern Islands.

In terms of pure size, the Eastern Islands was the largest region on the continent. It was only the only region that was still mysterious. The other four regions had already been mapped and explored but the Eastern Islands were a mystery.

It was a collection of isolated land masses east of the continent. Although the region was filled with islands, it was the only region that hadn't been fully explored and was in contact with the rest of the continent. It is said that if one continued travelling east, one would find lands far bigger than the rest of the Sovereign Continent. Although common folk considered such tales to be rumors, truly knowledgeable humans knew otherwise...

As far as the explored parts were concerned, they were home to many nations, tribes and clans, for example, the Inkume. Their island was relatively small, but it was still one of the most feared places on the continent.

In the Eastern Islands ships were the main form of transport. This had led to a large maritime trade society. They traded a lot of things in the region, slaves included.

The people in this region were rich and one of their favorite pass times was death arenas. These were arenas where people could fight to the death, often as slaves and often without the use of their cultivation.

Slaves in the arena were always wore enchanted shackles, preventing them from cultivating. They were supposed to fight using only their bodies and their skills.

There were many different types of matches, one of which was called the twin rumble. Two slaves were paired and thrown into the arena. They were then forced to fight for their lives. Only one pair was allowed to come out alive.

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