Chapter 16: Unexpected Visitor

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A short buzzing noise cut through the silence that filled Carly's home. She sat down on the tattered lounge chair with a pink basket in front of her. An assortment of clothes piled high came crashing down when Carly jumped from her seat. Crap. Now I've got to refold everything. 

Carly huffed as she shuffled to the front door. Who on Earth? What time is it? It's nearly ten. This better be important.  Standing on her tip toes she peeked out the peephole and saw her father standing on the other side. Carly opened the door and cocked her head to the side in confusion.

"Hi dad, I didn't know you would be coming over," Carly said

"Well, I know evaluations were today and I know how stressed you get. I thought I'd drop by and see if you wanted some of this pizza," Jude said as he stepped into the house.

Dusting off his black overcoat Jude wiped his feet on the welcome mat before stepping towards the kitchen. Closing the door Carly thought, Odd. 

Carly reached for the pizza as she said: "Thanks, Dad, you didn't have to do this."

Carly followed her father into the kitchen wondering if he had other motivations for being here. Does he know? He must. He's going to. Never. He wouldn't. Maybe. Oh. Nope. Calm down. Breathe. Act Normal. Normal? What's normal about any of this. I'm a spy. My father is the head of a. Breathe. Get it together.  

Jude sat the box down and turned to look for the paper towels. Carly already had the paper towels in her hand as she calmed her thoughts.  Carly tore off two paper towels and handed one to her dad. 

Opening the box the sweet aroma hit her nose and smiling she said "Oh, dad you shouldn't have. It smells like heaven."

"Well, I know you aren't much of a cook and I knew it was your favorite," Jude replied

"Yeah well, I know how much you don't like onions with pepperoni." Replied Carly

"Well, I'll just pull off the onions." Jude felt a slight headache coming on as he responded.

"Ju--" The sound of laughter filled Jude's ears as the image of a pizza flooded his mind. Onions. 

"Dad? Are you coming?" Carly called from the other room.

Weird. I really need to speak with the doctor about this new medicine. "Yes. Just a moment." Jude gathered himself and joined Carly at the table.  

The pair sat quietly enjoying the pizza.

When they were finished Jude asked, "So, how was your day?"

"It was alright. I think I did well on my evaluations." Replied Carly nodding.

"That's good anything interesting happen?" probed Jude raising an eyebrow.

Oh crap. He knows. Stay calm. 

Carly shook her head and shrugged as she responded, "Not really just a normal day."

Is she lying? She wouldn't. Would she? Jude held her gaze for a moment. A sudden small ping of pain hit Jude. Not again. It's getting worse. He squinted his eyes looking deeper into his daughter's eyes. He saw something. A face. It was gone before he could blink and Carly snapped him out of his trance. 

Looking confused Carly asked, "Dad? Are you ok? You're giving me a weird look." 

Shaking his head Jude quickly rubbed his eyes and responded: "Yes, your eyes there was something familiar about them for a moment." 

Looking concerned Carly said, "Well, I am your daughter I would hope my eyes are familiar." 

Jude nodded as he replied, "You're right it's probably just this new medicine I'm on."

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