Chapter 22

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Leaving the patients lobby, Jude led the tour to the patient rooms. Carly was standing at attention outside one of the rooms waiting for the tour to reach her. She stood anxious remembering Joanie and Sal's warning that the President was suspected to be deeply involved. As they approached Carly, Jude motioning towards Carly and said, "This is one of our nurses who will be showing what she does on a daily basis."

The President nodded and extended his hand out to Carly saying as they shook hands "It's a pleasure."

"The pleasure is all mine Sir." Replied Carly politely.

Carly began to show the President how she did her routine checkups and prepped the patients for the doctor. She explained how she did some home checkups on occasions. The President listened to her every word and nodded his understanding. As she was finishing up he asked "Now, I never caught your name."

Carly cleared her throat and responded "It's Carly Sir. Carly King."

Raising his eyebrow and looking at Jude he asked "Any relation."

Jude nodded and replied "Yes, she is my daughter Sir."

The President smiled and responded "Well, Mr. King you have a very lovely daughter and Carly you are a very intelligent woman. Thank you for sharing your work with me."

The President and his men slowly exited the room and continued on the tour. Jude took the group down the hallway and turned the corner to find a doctor for the President to speak with. Seeing Dr. Taylor standing nearby Jude motioned his hand for Dr. Taylor to come forward. Dr. Taylor walked up the group and greeted the President and Mr. King with a smile. Jude introduced Dr. Taylor and had him explain his job to the President. Dr. Taylor explained that he saw patients daily and checked up on their health making sure there would be no issues when their pill day arrived. He explained how he had to ensure that the pill would not have an adverse effect on the patient that would cause any sort of pain. The President nodded his understanding and the tour continued on. Jude continued on looking for an ambulance doctor to speak with the President. He found Dr. Neal and asked "Dr. Neal would you care to explain your job to the President."

Nodding, she explained, "Well Sir, it's simpler than you might think. We go out to the home of the patient and we are there to administer the pill. All we do is simply make sure that the patient receives their pill and that they do not suffer. After that we transport them back here for a basic autopsy and cremation."

The President looked confused and asked "Autopsy? That seems odd considering we know the cause of their passing."

Dr. Neal explained further "Well Sir, the autopsy is for basic medical research. It is only to learn from their body and to help future generations."

Seeming to be satisfied with Dr. Neal's explanation the President thanked her and Jude continued the tour. Heading towards an elevator Jude explained that the tour would be continuing on to the lab section of the facility. They reached the elevator and waited for it to arrive. Pilling into the elevator Jude, the President and his men crammed into the elevator. As it moved up to the next floor the group stood tightly together listening to the mind numbing music. Bing. The elevator doors slid open and the group exited quickly as if escaping from a claustrophobia-causing hot box. Exiting the elevator, the group walked into the room which was an open space excluding a few small closed rooms. There were men and women in white lab coats creating all kinds of concoctions. Jude explained "Like Dr. Taylor explained, during the patient's checkups we are looking to make sure that they will not have any side effects that would cause suffering. Sometimes we have to create a special pill according to the blood work that we use to determine any effects the pill would have on the patient."

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