Chapter 10: Bad Pick Up Line

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"It's so small she'll never notice it." Said Rutherford.

"It's the size of a freckle and unnoticeable to the naked eye. It'll attach to her ID badge and we'll be able to hear everything that happens. The camera feature is still being worked on so we'll have to rely on the sound," Replied Mr. King.

Marjorie was leaning in close, her hands pressing the headset into her ears causing the edges to turn bright red against the pressure. Her brown chair squeaked as she moved closer to her dented up desk almost knocking her knees into its already damaged top drawer.

Shoot. I can't hear. Stupid headset. Wait they said no video. Yes! Perfect. Without eyes, Carly will be able to pass the message on easy peasy. 

Marjorie jotted down a few of the options on her notepad before removing her headset. 

Marjorie scanned her options and thought to herself, Too risky. Not that one. Wow, I should get some sleep. Silly. Not worth it. That leaves the paper delivery. Why was that so hard? I should be less elaborate with my ideas it's not some sort of spy novel. Ha. 

Circling her option Marj leaned back in her chair and basked in the victory for a moment. 

Time to call the cavalry.  

Marjorie reached for the phone to her left pressed several numbers and leaned back into her chair. The phone rang for several moments until there was an answer.

"Hello?" Said the voice on the other side.

Surprised and slightly confused Marjorie replied "Joanie? I thought you would already be back."

Clearing her throat Joanie replied. "Well I would have but I called in sick today. Did you need to speak to Sal?"

Right. Ehm. Sick. Right. 

Marjorie couldn't resist asking "So, you're sick?"

"Not really, but Sal insisted that I needed a mental health day." Replied Joanie

Oh so Sal insists and you listen. I say you need a day off and I'm being crazy. Well then. Somethings never change.  

"Ohhh, ok," Marjorie replied as a smile grew across her face. She slumped back in her chair crossing her right arm across her chest. She flexed her legs as she waited for Joanie's response.

Watch. She's about to get defensive. Act like I'm the crazy one. 

"What? You don't think I need a health day?" asked Joanie a little flustered.

"No. No. Joanie, you deserve a mental health day. You just don't normally take days off. I didn't mean to upset you I was just surprised." Replied Marjorie as she shifted back into an upright position in her chair.

Surprised. Ha. Figured this would happen. At least they aren't ignoring each other. That was a horrible twenty years. 

In the background, Sal spoke up. "Who's that?"

Covering the phone with her hand Joanie whispered, "It's Marj."

"Here let me see the phone." Replied Sal reaching out for the phone.

Great. Now she going to hold the phone out and be all sarcastic. 

Sarcastically holding out the phone Joanie waved the phone at Sal and replied. "See."

Figures. These two. So predictable. 

"That's not what I meant Jo." Sal replied looking at Joanie with a face that said 'you're funny'.

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