Chapter 17

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Just when I'd lost all hope, all strength, this guy comes. Who is he, my guardian angel? His stark voice was unmistakable, honestly, they were like melody to my ears. Josh slumped a bit on me, completely taken aback by Keith's sudden appearance. I took this opportunity to kick him off me and he fell down with a grunt.

"This is none of your business." Josh howled, supporting himself on the ground and getting up slowly.

I've seen Keith angry before, but now, this seemed like a whole new level of pissed-off-ness. He was trembling, his fists were clenched so tightly that his knuckles turned white. He spoke through gritted teeth.

"Oh yeah? And what exactly is this business?"

"Just get lost from here, and you will be forgiven for your stupidity."

"Hooo, Blondie here thinks that his silly threats are going to scare me away."

"What is she to a loner like you, you're just pond scum."

"Do not piss me off." Keith's eyes were shivering in anger now, he seemed like one more word from Josh would set an atom bomb off.

"Or else what, Freak-enstein?"

I have no friggin' clue what exactly was going on in Josh's head that made him think that he could actually win a fight with Keith. That too who was a NightMaire. My thoughts were now becoming reality as Keith snapped his fingers and his hands were ablaze with Red Matter.

This sent Josh whimpering, obviously he didn't expect this. "Hey, what are you- The hell, don't come near me!" He started backing away slowly as Keith took baby steps towards him.


Keith pushed Josh hard on his chest, and sparks flew all over. Josh now was dead quiet, his head had hit the ground, hard. He slowly got onto his feet, but this time he begged Keith to understand and just let him go.

But Keith didn't seem to heed to his pleas as he knocked him down again, harder. This sent Josh flying a few metres away. I was in a weird position now, not knowing what to do, not being able to think. But I knew I had to stop this. He after all, is my best friend. I mean, was. He'd given me some pretty great memories.

And some pretty bad ones.

I rushed in front of Keith and placed my arms on his chest, momentarily getting lost in its strength and after recovering, I pleaded,"Please, just stop. Let him go. "

"B-b-but, what he did is unforgivable." He stuttered not shifting his gaze from Josh's bruised face.

"I know. I can handle it. You just need to calm down." As I said these words, I held back tears, which were mostly because of the trauma but partly because of the care this boy shows.

"Yeah bro, you need to." Came Josh freaking Stone's voice from behind me.

The gall to speak up.

I turned and stomped towards him and pulled him up by his shirt,"Feck off from here. Just feck off! Don't you dare show me your face again!"

"But soph-" Josh Ocean stared up at my Hazel Moon.

"Don't you effing Soph me!" And I pushed him off, glaring as he got up and sped away.

His disappearing outline and distant rumbling of the trees confirmed that he was gone and that was enough to break down my walls. I fell on my knees, crying and screaming loudly.

Keith didn't say a word, and I respected that he wanted to give me space. After a few minutes of sipping on my tears, he came and kneeled next to me and made me lie on him. He again brushed my back and hushed me, speaking words of reassurance and that everything was over.

Sure, sure everything was over. One by one, everything in my life was going wrong. My first crush / almost love did such a nasty thing, I got bullied in school, I almost lost Catherine, my dad is no more. But you met Keith, my sub conscious retorted.

Oh, shut up.

But he was the one right here, helping me, supporting me. How is he always there? Why is he always there? Why doesn't he leave me like everyone else? Or is he going to?

"I need to be alone."

"I'll take you home, alright?" His eager eyes looked at me.

I turned down his offer,"I can take care of myself, no thanks." Saying so, I got up and dusted my skirt and walked through the tiny trail leading out of my least favourite place in the world right now. Trust me, I've seen places with only garbage sprawled all over it and I would rather spend a night there than here.

I walked the chilly streets of Chicago, watched the moonlight glisten over the clear tar road. I'm supposed to feel good, comforted but I felt neither. My mind is hectic and I just wanna explode crying.

I breezed past my mom reading cookbooks in the hall, trying to sneak with my stealthy ninja skills but it was in vain. She caught me, my skirt stuck to the railing. "How was the date?"

"It was not a date." I grumbled before forcefully pulling off my skirt from around the pole and rushed upstairs. After I locked the door, I did just what I was dreaming of.

Jumped onto the bed.

And weeped.

For hours.

I don't know when I slept but I found myself dreaming soon. A lady, draped in complete white, called out to me. She had a beautiful smile on her average looking face, but the glitter in her eyes were very welcoming. She pulled me into a hug and ran her hands through my hair. 'You're a strong lady.' She whispered into my hair.

'But I don't want to be, I don't want any pain. I just want to be normal.'

She laughed at that, 'Dear, you're not supposed to be normal. You were born to be special. Believe in yourself. That's when you'll discover who you really are.' She then turned me to face the opposite direction. Very far, I could see a silhouette. It looked like a boy. I wasn't able to comprehend a word she said and I looked at her, dead panned. 'What do you mean?'

All of a sudden, she started transforming into some dark creature, an old wrinkled woman with complete white irises. 'Believe in yourself.' She continued whispering and grasped me tighter, suffocating me. I writhed and tried to break free but her claw like fingers were tightly wound around my body.

And then, I woke up, gasping for air that was. My heart pounded and I could hear it till my ears.

"Hello there." A tiny voice spoke from a corner.
Author's Note:

Guys, I got an announcement to make. So I'm in Twelfth grade, and it's no joke. I've got to start studying! :( I just wanted you to know that I won't be updating alternate days anymore, but once in two-three days, because I don't really have time to write new chapters with all the homework and exams coming up. 😭 I'm so sorry! But please don't stop reading this because of the delays :'(

I really hope that this book is meeting your expectations. :)

Who's your favourite character? I really like Keith xD

Leave behind your comments, constructive even. Just let me know what I'm doing wrong. :D

Obviously, don't forget to vote if you liked/loved it/any feeling towards it.

Cheerio! xoxo

Affi 💚

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