Chapter 18

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To say that I wasn't the least startled when I heard that voice would be the understatement of the century. I obviously squealed and jumped back to the top of the bed, pressing myself against the wall prepared to face the mysterious being who doesn't seem to want to leave that corner.

"Who're you?" I ordered, mustering up my broken courage.

If this was another NightMaire, I would be so disappointed. I mean, what is their problem, hiding in corners and all? Honestly, it'd become boring and repetitive. Psychopaths they were. But when I saw the person clearly, I shut my mouth tight to prevent my heart my leaping out and stabbing itself.


Her olive skin was unmistakable, bony skeleton and striking green eyes glimmered in the dark. I knew she wasn't normal. Another wretched NightMa-

"I'm not a NightMaire!" She scoffed, her eyes widening. And then she cleared her throat. "Sorry about that."

"How do you know what I'm thinking?"

"Eh, that's easy. One of my powers, you see. Anyways, enough about me, tell me who was your Unforgiven Dream?"

"My what?"

She rolled her eyes as if I was missing something very obvious and then stated matter-of-factly,"The dream you just woke up from. The Spark Lady tells you what you need to know, and shows you the person who's your destiny."

"I didn't see anyone." I lied bluntly. Spark Lady? So the boy who I saw was my destiny?

"Oh, please. Everyone gets that dream, but only once in their life. That's what makes it so special. And you're here, lying through your teeth. I can read your mind, remember?"

"So NightMaires can read minds?"

She snorted again and started,"No, stupid. If I was, then I wouldn't have been able to enter because of Keith's shield."

If you take a flat stone and hit someone's face, such that they're features are left frozen on spot, you would have a tiny idea of how mine looked right now. "His what shield?"

"Oh girl, why do you think nobody else has come to get your spirit? He's cast a shield around this house, so no one can enter and harm you."

Damn, this guy. What's with him and keeping me safe? I can take care of myself. Okay, I really can't but it doesn't mean he goes around doing such things! I don't know if I should feel grateful or angry at him. "So what are you?"

"I'm a Linx. I can basically read others and I can control things with my mind."

"Like your stunt the other day."

She nodded happily. Yeah. That day when she was this shy, conserved and awkward little girl. I liked that Ophelia better. Shoo, Linx Opehila, shoo. I immediately stopped thinking, forgetting that she could read me.

"Anyways, why I'm really here is to warn you about Keith. You need to stay away from him. He can harm you."


"I'm asking you to believe me."

"Why should I? I don't even know you."

"But we're on the same side. There's no point in lying to you."

"Same side of?"

She groaned and slumped in defeat. "Sophie, we are at war. We need you to be safe and so, just stay away from him and you'll be fine."

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