Chapter 28

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Dedicated to cloudlessskies03 :)

I woke up with the same feeling of my head pounding wildly.

The last thing I remembered was Thanatos carrying me somewhere, a land of mysteries, a sea of darkness. I was hanging onto every thread of conscious I had, I remember catching a glimpse of strange Datrins and then seeing a dark, wooden door.

I got up and supported myself on the hard ground, a bed made from smooth granite. The room I was in was completely closed, with no natural light creeping in and lanterns illuminating two corners. I felt myself fading in and out, my head ached worse now.

Beside me there was an odd table, even odder things atop it. Incense sticks. A musty old brown cloth. A sharp rock bowl, with stones inside. Not normal ones, glowing freaking blue ones. Did I just step into a BlackWood ritual?


Oh my god, Keith.

Is he okay? Is everyone okay? Where's dad? Where the heck is everyone!

I was just getting off when the door blasted open. Thanatos and an old lady - batshit old - entered the room with a smirk. She had more wrinkles on her face than the grey hair on her head. She looked rather short, probably due to her hunchback. I saw her broken and black teeth when she grinned at me. Everything wafted of evil.

"Where exactly do you think you're running off to, eh?" Thanatos sneered and got a laugh from Mrs. Too-Old-To-Bath.

"Where's Keith? What did you do to him? Is he okay? Tell me, you bas-" I erupted but stopped when the lady came and held my face, her long fingernails going deeper into my flesh. "Oww! Can't keep your stinky hands to yourself, can you?" I screamed as I shoved her away. I could still feel where she dug her dirty nails.

"If I didn't know you were the DreamMaker already, I wouldn't have believed for one second that a girl like you has the purest spirit in the multiverse." Her eyes flickered and she adjusted her brown gown which ended at her wobbly knees.

"I didn't ask for it! If I knew it meant meeting disgusting things like you, I would've killed myself already." I retaliated.

"That's enough!" Thanatos growled his trademark growl, "Since we've been here, all you've done is disrespect the great Fyra. Pray she doesn't do anything to you. Pray badly."

So she is Fyra? The bitch who's going to combine mine and Thanatos' spirits? Oh my god, this is more screwed up than I expected it to be. Should I be scared of her?

"Well you haven't been a pleasure to meet too. So let's just go on as per the plan, princess." She spoke in a fake sweet voice, dripping with hatred and anger. She looked towards the door and that's when I noticed the rather tall Datrin, staring intently at us. He was probably scared to death, if that's possible, and wondering how exactly did I have the courage to insult Fyra. She clearly held a certain power in this place, even Thanatos was loyal to her.

"Bring in Chavez, Samuel." She nodded her head slightly, while Samuel sped off to execute what he was asked.

Ahh. Finally, I can meet Chavez. Atleast now I would be able to talk to him and try to save us all. He's my last hope, now that Keith cannot.

Samuel retuned in a few seconds, bringing with him a boy of height 5'9", jet black hair just like his eyes, a blue t-shirt clinging onto his well built figure. He looked at me with pain in his eyes, his face had traces of blood hastily wiped out, save the open wound near his eyebrow.

My brain registered this boy as the boy who I'd been recently acquainted with, who completely turned my life upside down. Keith.

What is he doing here? Certainly, he cannot be Chavez.

"Ah, Chavez, my boy. I believe you already know this princess here." Fyra beamed at us, as Keith slowly walked in. He nodded ever so slightly, which was equal to me getting slapped infinite times.

How dumb could I be?


Everything, everything was a trap, just to lure me here. When I thought he wasn't lying, when I believed him, he was just playing around to regain my trust. And now this boy, who I was defending, is the one who's going to be the cause of my death. How could I have not guessed this?

"Surprised, aren't you, birdie?" I heard Thanatos. A tear trailed down my cheek as Thanatos stepped forward and laid me down, pushing my chest with too much force. He held me back as I tried to struggle free, "LET ME GO! PLEASE!" Through my clouded tears I could see Keith, his face twisted in hurt, as if he's being affected by it.

Well, you should know you bastard, I'm not falling for that anymore. I'm going to get out of here, even if it's on my own. I can't writhe free of his grasp. This is not the time to repent on all the times I gobbled chicken burgers and skipping the 'exercise' regimes Cathy and I used to plan.

"Go and work your wonders, Chavez." Fyra smiled again, nudging Keith to come closer to me. For a moment, I found myself wondering if she meant what I think she meant, but then I let it slip, hoping the opposite.

My breath hitched as Keith got on top of me, his knees on both sides. Thankfully, he didn't lower his weight, for I'm sure I would've been crushed. Thanatos quietly let go of me, now that I was calm.

He was wrong, I've never been so not calm in my entire life. The thoughts whirling inside me had enough energy to blow away the houses in Houston. I was quiet, because I didn't know what he was going to do, or what was going to happen.

I closed my eyes as his cupped palms hovered over my face.
Author's Note :


I'm sorry about the slow updates, I have a million excuses but let's not start on them now. So, I've planned to update every Monday. And this book is going to be so over in some 😭

On a more serious note, I wanted to talk about plagiarism.

Oh, that's right.

A certain user on Wattpad thought it would be a good idea if they copy this book, WORD TO WORD and publish it as their own. Of course, I'll never find out. But I did now, didn't I?

I don't know where to feel angered that my original ideas were copied or flattered that someone thought it was good enough to be propagated.

Yeahp, going with the former. Honestly I never expected it to happen because my story is like a tiny and insignificant one in the Book Realm. But this person is so damn dumb, oh my god. A million thanks to another Wattpad user who was a total beauty and reported this to me. Love you.

Mentioning this just in case anyone missed it : All Rights Reserved © 2016 | Afreen Hafeez

Thanks for listening to me rant, I'm sorry if I scared you away xD


Cheers! xoxo

Affi 💖

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