Chapter 23: The Underdog

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"Thanks for the bandaid." I said with a small smile, now fully dressed as Marcel nodded, holding out the paper I had cut my finger on, a drop of blood still on it when I tried helping him pick his things up from the floor as he cringed and kept it away from the other stacks of all my medical records he gathered for Demon Harry.

"Do you think he'll be okay?" I asked in concern as we stood to our feet, my gaze falling on Demon Princess who had passed out on the bed in pain, a layer of sweat coating his skin and a pained grimace still on his face while his chest quickly rose and fell.

"I-I don't know. I've never seen the Boss t-this weak. It's okay though, gives me time to run away just in case he wakes up and tries killing me for accidently putting soy in his latte." Marcel stated, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose while he looked over Demon Harry as I turned to furrow my brows at him.

Even though Demon Harry's heart was starting to beat again, the more I was with him the more he hurt.

What if instead of his beating heart helping him live it only endagered his health since he was still a demon.

I don't fucking know, I haven't watched enough Supernatural episodes to assume this shit.

I couldn't even find what the value of x was in calculus what am I supposed to even do?

"My phone," I breathed in realization, looking between an unconcious Demon and a confused Marcel as I started to slowly back away from the bed, nearing the door.

I chose who I wanted to be, it should let me open my app and make my wish.

What I would wish for I have no idea yet, but I know it will have something to do with protecting Demon Harry and relieving him from the pain.

"I need to find the others and explain everything, and then I'll get my phone." I told myself under my breath, grabbing my keys and watch off the nightstand as Marcel's eyes widened in fear.

"No don't leave me here all by myself with him!" He immediatly fell to the floor in front of me, gripping onto my ankles as he looked up at me with a frightened pleading look.

"Please Marcel, I need someone to watch over him and make sure he's okay for now- I'll be back soon I promise." I reassured him with a supportive smile, trying to make it to the door with gritted teeth dragging Marcel across the floor since he was still holding onto my ankle.

"You're a big boy, you can handle it." I told him, wriggling my leg out of his grasp as he whined before I headed out, running through the hallways and to the elevator.

I looked down at the watch as I got into my car, gazing down at the tracker and following where the other three red dots were blinking at as I drove to the lake where I had trained with the four Harrys.

"Assassin?" I called out to him, the long grass brushing against the skin of my calves as I closed the door of my car, running over to the lake as the wind blew in my face, only to find no other person around the grassy area.

I looked around in confusion, checking my watch to find that his watch was here in this exact location yet he was no where to be seen.

I stepped forward, jumping back in surprise when my foot crunched against something on the ground, the sound of a device breaking as I retracted my foot and crouched down, picking up the Assassin's broken discarded watch from the grass.

Well this wasn't a good sign.

My heart began to race when I ran back to my car, quickly putting it in drive as I checked my watch and followed the second blinking dot at the nearest hotel, driving back into town before I rolled up in front of the large extravagent Hilton Inn.

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