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I watched as her eyes light up as we pull up to my house.

She meets me around the front of the car as I lead us up to the front door. I open it, letting her go in first.

"Holy shit, Justin." She states, her smile bigger than ever.

I stare down at her, smiling just from watching her smile.

"Welcome to my house, I guess." I rub the back of my neck, not really sure how to react to her exited reaction.

I watch as she walks ahead, running her fingers along the furniture as she looks around. Her head peeks around the walls looking at the full interior downstairs until she makes her way back over to me, stopping in front of me.

"Uh, make yourself at home. Here, i'll get you something to change into, follow me." I start for the stairs, taking her up to my room, inside my closet.

"You can choose whatever you want." I state.

Her brows furrow as she continues to stand in the doorway.

"You sure? I mean i'm fine sleeping in the shit i'm already wearing, Justin." She states as I look her up and down.

"Nah, you don't have to sleep in those tight ass clothes. It's fine, I swear." I say again.

Just then I hear Khalil yelling my name, meaning the others just got here.

"You go ahead and change and just meet me back downstairs when your done." I tell her, leaving her in my closet.


I watch as he leaves the room, completely shocked at what's happening.

I mean, i'm literally in Justin Bieber's house right now, in his closet! Shits fucking crazy.

I turn, eyeing his hanging shirts and sweaters. I find his hoodie section, rummaging through them until I find an all black off-white one.

I've never seen anything off-white in person in my life, let alone touch one. I pull it off the hanger bringing it to my nose.

It smells just like Justin.

I pull off my tight shirt and remove my bra, pulling the hood over me, making me automatically feel the warmth i've been lacking all night.

I unzip my skirt next, slipping it off as well, leaving me in my underwear and the hoodie that's the length of a dress on me.

I push all my clothes and heels in the corner, deciding i'll just get them when i leave tomorrow.

I throw my hair in a bun, finally walking out his room, back downstairs like he instructed I do when I'd finish.

I find everyone on the couch, laughing and talking about an obvious interesting topic.

I walk around the couch, catching everyone's eye as they stop talking.

Justin licks his lips at the sight of me, not taking his eyes off me.

"I was wondering where you had went off to." Jess says, finally breaking the silence.

"Yeah, we thought you couldn't hang and you passed out or some shit." Ryan adds in, laughing at his own comment.

"Nah, I just had to change outta those tight ass clothes." I say, eyeing Justin, clearly copying what he previously said to me.

He smirks to himself, finally looking away from


"Y'all, I don't think I can even manage walking up the stairs at how fucked up I am." Khalil says, falling back against the couch.

"Fuck that bro. Last time I let your ass sleep on my couch you fucked it up. Get your ass upstairs in one of the rooms." Justin says, now standing up.

We hear Khalil's light snores as a response, showing he's already knocked out.

Justin sighs, going over to pull the blanket over him, before turning towards the stairs.

I look at them too, the bed clearly calling my name. I yawn slightly, stretching my arms up.

"I'm tired too, you wanna crash on the other couch?" Jess asks me and I start to nod before Justin's head spins around.

"Y'all I got fucking three guest rooms ready to go upstairs, y'all dont even gotta do that."

"Well, i can't wait any longer, so i'll let y'all figure that out." Chance says, leaving us to go up the stairs.

"Jess, you tryna share a room?" Twist says randomly, throwing both Jess and I off.

"Uh, y-yeah. Sure." She stutters, looking back at me before heading upstairs with Twist.

Ryan sighs, looking over at Justin. "I'm just gonna crash on the couch. I just wanna go to sleep."

Justin peers over at me, shrugging his shoulders.

"You okay sleeping with me tonight?"

My heart starts pacing, my breathing heavy as well. This all feels surreal. I reach out my hand and he grabs it, taking that as a yes as he leads us, once again, upstairs to his room.

Justin disappears into his bathroom when we make it up as I just stand there in the middle of the room.

I don't wanna make this awkward, but I really don't know what's going through this dudes mine.

I'm sure he has one night stands all the fucking time, but I didn't come here to just be a quick fuck.

That's just not me. Celebrity or not.

I hear the bathroom door click and I make a run to the bed, quickly getting under the covers.

Justin walks out, going to his bedside table to plug up his phone before turning off the lights. He makes his way in the bed, getting under the covers as well.

"No shirt?" I ask playfully, causing him to smile.

"No pants?" He returns with the same tone, mimicking me.

I hit his arm softly, causing us to become a lot closer.

He looks down at me, breathing in before he licks his lips for like the 100th time tonight.

"Goodnight, beautiful." He whispers, inches away from my face before fully laying his head down.

I'm taken back, me for sure thinking tonight was gonna go a completely different way.

I sigh, fully laying down as well, but turning to face the opposite direction as him.

I soon feel him scoot closer towards my body beneath the covers until his arm wraps around my waist. He pushes my body back towards his, closing the space between us.

I finally let out the breath i've been holding since he's touched me and smirk to myself, knowing he can't see.

"Good night Justin." I finally say.

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