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Tapping my pencil, I stared at the clock. Why is time moving so fucking slow?

Half the time, I'd get on my phone or fall asleep in this class, but today I just can't calm my excitement.

I wonder where Justin's gonna take me. He was really fucking vague last night and since I've still yet to get my phone back, I couldn't ask for anymore clues.

My mom was up waiting for me last night, too. Surprisingly I played it off pretty well, telling her Jess and I got really deep into studying and that I'd prove it by showing her my test grade today.

Which will actually be Jess' test just went my name written on it when she gets it back at the end of class today.

I've got all this shit figured out, this next week without my phone or car will fly by.

"Ms. Hill?" I come out of my trance, starring at the teacher.

"Care to answer?"

I look at the board, trying to figure out where we are. Social Studies really just isn't my subject.

"Yeah, I don't know." I say bluntly, going back to playing with my nails.

"Maybe you could figure it out if you tried." Mr. Harp says, continuing on.

I sigh, rolling my eyes. "Maybe I would've raised my hand if I cared to, but I didn't."

He stares at me dumbfounded, the rest of the class starting to laugh at my attitude.

"With an attitude like that you just earned a two hour detention after school today." He walks over to his desk, starting to write the slip.

"Yeah whatever-" I start, realizing I can't let that happen.

"Wait, um, i'm sorry Mr. Harpe, but could you not write that for today?" I plead from my desk.

"Give me a reason not to."

Him and the rest of the class stares at me, waiting for what i'll say next.

"She probably has another date with her pussy ass boyfriend." Austin announces from the back of the class.

My eyes dart to him, confused by his statement.

"I know you're too old to have instagram, but anyone with a brain can clearly see she's with that singer dude." He continues and my mind drifts to Justin.

"OMG, I completely thought that was photoshopped. So, you're like actually with Justin Bieber? That's so cool!" Ashley, the talkative girl in the pink asks.

"Cool my ass. The guy's a total fag. He can't even sing forreal. Everyone just likes him because of his looks." Austin keeps digging.

"Looks you'd kill for if it meant making you any less uglier than you are." I fire back, realizing he's gone way too far.

"Not what you were saying when we fucked, but yeah okay."

"That's enough you two! Detention today for both of you!" Mr. Harpe states, continuing to write the slips.

I roll my eyes, sinking back into my chair.


The bell finally rings, meaning it's the end of the day. I rush to my locker, throwing my entire bag inside.

"Trying to be one of the first ones on the bus?" Jess laughs, walking up behind me.

"Fuck the busses, Justin's picking me up." I tell her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2020 ⏰

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