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Laugh, jeer, snarl, cry-

Duck my head, scurry by.

Attacks- attacks, never cease,

Push, shove- they're monstrous beasts.

In my head, never leave-

Words they say- I grieve, I grieve.

Don't want to come to school today-

I know the lies won't go away.

Just can't make it through this day-

Can't ignore the words they say.

They're out to get me, never stop-

End will come with one last chop.

No one understands- I feel,

Situation makes my head reel.

Want a friend, a helping hand-

Someone who can take a stand.

Give up trying- hopeless, lost-

No one listens to my cause.

Bullying hurts- it isn't rare-

So make it stop- and show you care.


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