②① 🧡 Wattpad Tip: Chapter Length, Rankings, and Release Schedules

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Each chapter in your story should be between 800-2000 words. I would always err on the side of short. Wattpad readers are used to short chapters online—and short things in general online—so it's best to adapt. You want readers to be fulfilled while reading, and finishing a chapter is fulfilling. If you write really long chapters, break them up into parts for Wattpad. All of this is extremely important.

No paragraph should exceed the size of an iPhone screen. If your paragraph is going on and on, cut it down. Try to keep it to 4-6 sentences. Readers don't like block text.

Your book should be long. That is, it should have a lot of chapters. Why? The longer your book is in circulation, the longer it stays ranked, and the longer it stays ranked the longer people will see it!

Rankings happen when Wattpad decides your book has been a good boy and places it in the top 1000 stories of a given #tag. If you reach high on a common #tag like #romance, it can be a huge boost to your readership!

Rankings are good because Wattpad will show your book more often. Obviously, to get a higher ranking, you want votes and reads and comments. However, an incredibly important factor in ranking is how often you update your book.

This leads us to release schedules. If you want to stay ranked, I'd release 1-2 times a week. If you have tons of chapters and a huge series, 2 times a week is good. If you have just 1 novel of ~50 chapters, once a week is probably fine.

But how do you stay on top of all that writing? Isn't that stressful? Let's talk about that next: keeping up with your release schedule.

*No sentient pumpkins were harmed in the making of this quick and dirty course.

*No sentient pumpkins were harmed in the making of this quick and dirty course

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See? He even grew legs.

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