🧩 Bonus Advisory - You MUST Do This 🧩

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I am often asked to provide feedback on a story. Most people want thoughts on the story and characters. What I usually end up saying to them goes something like this:

"Focus on your editing. Be sure the punctuation is on point! Also don't bold actions and stuff. Write it all using a narrator."

Before you can sculpt, or paint, or drive, or be a chef, or be a writer, you must learn the fundamentals. 

If you are writing purely for fun, by all means don't worry about your editing! Don't ask or worry about feedback, and do you. But if you want to improve, you must master the fundamentals. If your story couldn't pass for something you could find at a shelf at a bookstore, you have work to do.

My chapter "17 - Writing Tip - Editing with Basic Tips" is in many ways the most important chapter of this book. If you don't have that down, start there!

Write Better, Write Happier  - Writing Tips, Wattpad Tips, Get Reads, Get VotesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora