Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:



Mr.Jackson over here!

Is it true that you and actress Holly Davids are dating?

What is your next movie?

Lucas, look over here!

How do you feel about your movie being number one?

How do you feel about Melody Stars negative responses?



The poor guy can't even walk the streets without being surrounded and mobbed by paparazzi and fans. Then again, who would after having huge success on not one but two biggest action films of the year? And let's not forget being dubbed Aussie's 'golden boy', being GQ's actor of the year and the most eligible bachelor according to Forbes, as well as being named 'hottest man' by People magazine.

Lucas Jackson still commanded attention while being insanely gorgeous, even with a baseball cap and glasses on. Even with all the people around him he still signed a few autographs and took a couple of selfies with fans and waved to the paparazzi while flashing that megawatt smile.

"Lottie, the stove!" I am snapped from my daydreaming when I hear Grace shouting my name from the kitchen. It's only then that I smell that something has burnt. I dash to the kitchen and Grace is coughing, opening windows while waving the smoke coming from the stove. I immediately grab a cloth and start fanning smoke myself while she opens all the windows in the house trying to rid of the smoke and burn smell.

She then enters the kitchen once again as the smoke starts to ease up and she stands next to me by the stove looking at the charcoal that was supposed to be our dinner and I sheepishly look at her but as she looks at me, we burst out laughing.

"I guess pizza will have to do?" I make my way to the living room to call the pizza joint and when we enter the living room, the same news channel was still on and still talking about Lucas and his movies while showing pictures of the actor in his movies, at events or from photo-shoots.

After ordering two large pizzas while Grace got a bottle of red wine, I sat on the couch and when Grace came back she sat next to me, looked at the TV screen and looked back at me with a raised eyebrow

"Ohh... this all makes sense now" I look at her quizzically. "The reason the apartment almost burnt down. Someone was too busy looking at Mr. hot-stuff and completely forgot about the food... or anything else around her for that matter" she holds in a chuckle and makes kissy faces at me but all I do is slap her playfully on the arm.

"Well, it's not my fault the damn bloke is so handsome. It's his fault." I sulk and fold my arms and Grace just laughs and gets up to answer the door as our pizza had arrived.

Grace comes back with two large white boxes, places them on the table and jumps straight into one box. After she finished her first slice, she looks at me "Lottie, why are you not eating?" I sigh and pat my stomach

"This is the reason men like Lucas Jackson will never even look in my direction, Gracie. I'm not a size zero like you, I'm not beautiful with my jiggly bits" I attempt to make a joke from it shaking my stomach to prove a point. She just gives me a pointed look not joking at all and smile lightly "Lottie... how many times do I have to tell you this, you are so absolutely gorgeous! I mean I wish I had your butt. Your body is gorgeous" she hugs me, lifts up a piece of pizza and hands it to me.

I think about this for a moment "Ahh hell, not as if I will ever meet Lucas anyway, screw that!" we spend the rest of the evening laughing, watching movies, eating pizza and drinking wine.



Hello to the beautiful soul reading this! Thank you for reading and giving this book a chance. I'm going to put my everything into this book as it addresses an insecurity I , as well as many other women, struggle with, body image. I hope that through this story you'll see how beautiful you are! I myself, don't believe that I am but I'm working on it... we can work on it together!! 

Anyhow, I hope you enjoy the journey with Lottie and Lucas and learn to love them as much as I already do. 

P.S. I will only be attaching photos of the male lead, Jai Courtney, as that's how I imagine the guy but we all have our own imaginations, so go ahead, live out your fantasy! <3



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