Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

Urrgghh... exactly how much did I have to drink last night? I crack my eyes open as I can smell the coffee and I'm glad my senses still manage to work as Grace walks in with a cup of coffee and a plate with eggs and toast. I carefully sit up while holding my head.

"Well good morning sunshine" she chuckles as she places the cup and plate on the table, walks back to the kitchen and comes out with her breakfast and coffee sitting next to me. She then places two tablets on the table. "Here we go Lottie, that should help a bit". I mumble a thanks and squint up at her "How much did we drink last night?" she picks up her cup of coffee "not much at all, probably three bottles max." my eyes widen "Oh Lord..."

She then switches the TV on and turns to me "Lottie, you know that we react differently to alcohol right?" she chuckles. I glare at her while her full attention is on the screen listening to the seven o clock news "Bite me. Just because I'm a bit lighter on petrol" I slowly drink the coffee and nibble on the eggs and toast. "Thanks for breakfast Grace" she smiles at me pushing her glasses up her nose and focuses back on the TV but I notice she looks a bit anxious.

"Grace, you alright? Is something going on?" she fidgets with the edge of her gown, then turns to me.

"I have an important meeting today with a movie producer; this could be my big break Lottie. They're making a movie here in Australia in the summer and my manager got me a spot to meet with producers and maybe even audition today" I almost attacked her that's how high I jumped.

"Wow, Grace... that's wonderful! I'll be holding thumbs and toes and everything. You're gonna be great, I can feel it Grace. You best be getting ready then, I'll take care of the dishes" she jumps up and heads to her room, probably getting ready as the excitement was now palpable.

I really do hope this audition goes well for Grace. Grace and I had met at university where she studied drama and I studied music, she was so friendly and we've been best friends ever since. Recently about a year ago, she landed a spot as an extra on a local TV show and about six months ago, she received a lead role on a daytime show. Grace has been doing very well for herself, even having a medium fan base as quite a few fans would recognize her and stop her for an autograph or a photo. All in all, Grace was well known in Australia and was the main reason we could afford such a beautiful apartment.

I on the other hand teach music at a local school. All musicians have this dream of getting their music out there and being known, being successful. I just haven't been as successful, but don't get me wrong I love teaching these kids, their passion for music is indescribable and so is the bond I've got with them. I refused when Grace said that she would take care of it when we heard the price of the rent but we eventually came to an agreement that would include both of us paying rent but I offered to buy the groceries seeing as though Grace pays most of the rent.

Just as I'm about to put the last plate into the cupboard, Grace steps out of the room and does a little spin. "And, what do you think?" I hug her tightly as I feel tears spring to my eyes

"You look absolutely beautiful Grace. I'm so proud of you, you know that?" I pull back and see that there are tears building in her eyes too but I take my pajama top and dab at her eyes careful of not smudging make-up "hey, no crying. Your make-up" she smiles and I grab her bag handing it to her and giving her one last hug she heads out the door

"Good luck Grace, love you girl!" I shout as she walks down the stairs on her way to exit the building "Bye Lottie, see you tonight! Love ya!" she waves and I watch as she exits the building and drives down the road.

I turn to the living room, take the tablets off the counter and swallow them while walking to the bathroom to take a shower.

After dressing and taking a nap to fully recover I wake up and squint at the clock in my bedroom "shit!" I've only got two hours to get to the pub. Every weekend I sing and play with those who want at the local pub, it gives me a chance to live a small part of my dream and I earn a bit extra. I even bar-tend or cover someone's shift when someone is ill or not able to work. I quickly freshen up and drive down to the pub being greeted by Bob and Mary, the owners and very close family friends who I've come to think of as a mom and dad.

Walking to the microphone with my guitar I sit on the stool "good evening everyone, hope you're all having a great time. Grab a drink, have a bite to eat and enjoy" I strum the guitar and start my set.


I strum the last chord and applause sounds over the crowd "Thank you kindly folks! I'll be back next Saturday same time same place, see you then" I'm greeted by Mary who brings me my guitar case "You've such a lovely voice Lottie" I finish packing away and hug her "Thanks Mary" she leads me to the end of the bar as always and puts a beer and burger in front of me. I frown seeing lads fall around a tall blonde with a skin tight dress.

"And now sweetie? What has that burger ever done to you?" she looks at me from opposite the bar while sliding a guy his drink. "Mary... am I that fat that I'm so un-datable or unattractive?" she frowns and looks at me "Now child, where are you hearing such bull?" I shrug and take a sip of my beer still not touching the food.

"There's absolutely nothing wrong with the body the good Lord gave you sweetheart, and don't let anybody be telling you no different. Just look at me, I'm definitely not the skinniest person here but my Bob loves me for all my curves" she grabs my face and kisses my forehead. How could Bob not love Mary? She was the best and most beautiful person she's met. She places tomato sauce in front of me "now you best be eating your food now" she winks and walks to serve other customers.

Just as I finish my meal it's eleven in the evening and as I stand to make my way to the door, I see a sad looking Grace enter the pub and immediately rush over "Grace?" she walks over to the bar where Mary also has a worried expression on her face "Two beers please Mom", oh and did I mention that Mary and Bob are Grace's parents. Mary scurries away and no later than five minutes is she back with two beers. Just as I was about to speak when Grace's face lights up "I got the part!" all three of us jump about like mad women making a noise when Bob walks over "what's all the hooha about ladies?" Grace looks at Bob "I got a lead role in a movie dad!" he rushes over to Grace and hugs her tight "I'm so proud of my little girl" he kisses her forehead and then shouts at the pub "Next round is on the house!" everyone cheers as we continue our celebrations.


Oh lord... not again. I open my eyes and see Grace lying face down on the floor snoring and I let out a laugh; at least I don't feel as bad as last time. I throw her with a pillow as I walk towards her "F*ck off Lott" I chuckle as I lift her slightly and place her on the couch and cove her with a blanket. I clean up the living room and check my phone to see if anything bad had happened or if we caused an apocalypse in our toxic state. I see two messages, both from Mary.

Lottie, let us know when you're safe at home. Love you X -From: Mary

Lottie, oh dear heavens above if you and Grace are catching on twaddle! I've messaged you two hours ago. Call me! From: Mary

I immediately call Mary without thinking as Mary is the kindest soul you'll meet but don't reply to her messages and you'll face her wrath. Her phone goes to voice mail and I look at the clock, she's busy right now, its Sunday lunch time which is the busiest food session for the pub. So I just messaged her that we were still alive and that nothing is wrong.

I quickly whip up a breakfast and strong pot of coffee for Grace and am just in the nick of time as she hears a groan from the living room. Slowly Grace rises and sits on the couch "de ja vu much?" I chuckle but she just glares at me as I hand her a cup of coffee and the pills. Her phone vibrates and she looks at the text "Oh Shit!" she puts her head in her hands "What is it Grace?" she hands me her phone and as I read the message the coffee I sipped spurts out of my mouth and I look at Grace with wide eyes "Grace... what type of movie did you say yes to?" she drops her face into the pillow and grumbles causing me to hear a series of incoherent words "What? Grace I can't hear" she turns to look at me with wide eyes before gulping "a musical romance".


Thank you for reading! 


also if you feel like sharing some of your experiences or just feel like having a chat, message me or comment, I'm a friend that's always here.  

- A

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