Chapter 9

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Charlotte POV:


You like the flowers?

I spit out my tea and rush to put down the cup and clean the mess up before I caused any more damage. What in the actual-

C: Who is this?

How’d he get my number?

A few hours later my phone pings again and I hurriedly open it to see a reply. Cheeky bastard…

J: Now if I told you, it’d be no fun…

For some reason my heart starts racing but then again, what if it’s all a joke and they’re messing with me?

C: Is this a joke? Was it a dare?

J: it definitely is not a joke, Charlotte…

Just then the doorbell rings and it’s the delivery man “Charlotte?” I nod and sign and he motions for the men to bring something and my jaw drops to the ground

“You’re kidding me right?” he just hands me the box and goes after saying bye.

The box is shaking so I know what’s inside and the moment I open it, the cutest little dog jumps out. A pug! I’ve always wanted one…but who? No, it can’t be… I rush back to the phone.

C: did you just send me something?

J: Ah, it came! Do you like it?

C: it’s a puppy! How can I not and he’s so cute…thank you, but I can’t accept it. it’s too much.

J: Well okay, I guess I’ll just send him to the impound where he’ll be all alone with no love

C: NO! … Okay, I’ll keep him, just for a little while…thank you. I don’t even know your name or who you are? Or why you sent me flowers?

J:  Let’s just say… soon you’ll find out but we do know each other, that much I’ll say but let’s just say I like sending a beautiful woman beautiful flowers. Good night, Charlotte. X

Just as I was about to reply the door opens so I drop the phone and Grace shouts for me to come to the kitchen as she brought dinner. I walk into the kitchen with the puppy in my hand and she almost drops the boxes on the floor as she scurries towards me and takes the pup

“Awww, you cute baby, hello, pumpkin..” she cooes the dog for about ten more minutes before finally realizing I’m staring at her

“Hi, Grace… I’m here too” she hugs me and nods towards the boxes, “I got some Chinese tonight”

I get glasses and pour us each a glass of red wine. Once I’ve carried everything to the small table, we gather round and start eating after she puts the dog back on the floor.

“I didn’t know we were getting a dog…” she takes a heap of noodles and shoves in into her mouth and I do the same
“Neither was I” she looks at me confused and I explain the whole story, from the text to the delivery guy and then more texting and now this. Her eyes are wide

“So he just casually sent you a dog?” I nod

“Guess so”

“And he hasn’t told you who he is?”

“No, I just know it’s the same guy who sent the roses”

“And you don’t think it’s a bit weird?”

“Well… at first, but I mean, someone with bad intentions wouldn’t send you a pup now would they?”

She shrugs “I guess not? Just be careful Lottie” I nod showing I’ve listened to her and taken her words seriously.

“I guess, it’s just nice to have a guy pay attention to me, you know. I’m never the girl that gets the guy, so… I don’t know, I’m just enjoying it for what it is. Who knows, I might never see this guy or meet him or he might not even exist but it makes me feel good. But I’ll definitely be careful”

“Oh, Char…” she grabs my hand for a minute before we start talking again about any and everything. I ask her how the shoot went and she tells me about all her outfit changes and the shots she had to do with everyone and with Lucas, but when she mentions him my heart drops a little but she’s so excited about everything that the conversation flows and before we know it, its 2am.

Luckily it was Saturday so we could sleep a bit later, although we both had final preparations for last recordings and scenes that were being filmed over the next 2 weeks and then voice overs and three months later, the release tour would start. The very best of everything went into this film so it’s being edited and filmed quickly, but the best of the best are doing the job as they plan to have sequels and make a huge franchise from the movie.
The next day I only woke up at 12 in the afternoon after I felt something lick my face. I slowly get up and drag myself towards the kitchen where I see a note from Grace:

Lotts, Justin is taking me camping for the rest of the weekend. I’ll see you Monday morning! Love ya. X

“Well, I guess it’s just you and me then, uhrm… you need a name”

“Let’s see” I sit on the ground and show for him to come to me.

“Junior” nothing.

“Jake” nothing.

“Pat” nothing

“Simon” nothing

“William” bark!

“William it is then” my stomach growls and luckily Grace left me some breakfast and coffee so I quickly gobbled it down as I needed to get things for William too. After showering and getting ready, I check my phone.

Shit! I forgot that I have a contracting meeting at 2pm, I’ll still make it in time if I leave now. I grab my purse and rush out with William under my arm.

At five minutes till 2, I make it in front of the building that is now mine and the contractor is waiting outside. I greet him and our meeting starts, planning the layout, the rooms and how the décor will be as he has an interior designer willing to do it for a good price.

An hour later, our meeting ends and I make my way to the pet store. After ohh-ing and aahhhh-ing at all the cute doggy things, three hours later I eventually exit the shop with ten bags full of dog food, toys, a bed, everything he will ever need, including a pooper scooper (lol).

I also pop in at the market to grab some groceries as we were running low and I love drinking smoothies, especially after a sweaty gym session. Yes, I go to the gym but I love food too much so…thicc mama for life.

Finally after we’ve finished we head home and after I’ve set up william’s bed in my room along with his toys and pack his food away after putting a cute bowl with his name on it in the lounge area so he can eat while I watch some TV but as I plant my butt on the couch, my phone beeps.

J: Hi, stranger…  ; )

C: Hi. Look who’s talking, I barely know you

J: well then, what do you want to know? Besides who I am…

C: What’s your favourite food?

J: Burgers, Ribs, the messy things. You?

C: same and sushi, ah I love it! colour?

J: Black

C: Blue and Red

And so the conversation continues, asking where we came from how old, etc. all the small things. After a while we started just talking about any and everything from dogs. As I told him I named him William and he said he would like a dog but moves too much, which set off alarm bells but we chatted the night away and before I knew it I had fallen asleep with my phone in my hand…

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2018 ⏰

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