Name Calling and Reunions

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Here is the first chater of TSSIAV.
I hope you all enjoy it =)

Monday's sucked.

School sucked.

People sucked.

Jessica Anderson chanted those words over and over again in her head. It was her mantra and had been for some time now. For three long years she had been dubbed 'The School Slut'. Why you ask? Aside from the fact that majority of the student body comprised of a bunch of no-good townies with nothing better to do than talk smack about anyone they considered 'beneath them'.

"Bunch of idiots," she muttered under her breath as she pulled into the school parking lot. "It's all Hunter's fault anyways."

With her head held high Jess got out of her car and headed into the main building. Even with half of the students in the hall attempting to be discreet as they talked about her, she could hear every little word they said. "That's the girl!" "Heard she spreads her legs on the first date." "What a skank." "That's the school slut."

Her chin lifted another notch. These people were nothing to her. They could go and talk all the crap they wanted and go to hell while doing it. Their reasoning behind all the talk was even more stupid than anything else. All because she had gone on one measly date with Hunter, who at the time was the schools resident player. Jess had been 15 to his 18 and had harbored a massive crush on her older brothers best friend. She, of course, had covered up her feelings with disdain and sarcasm. That all flew out the window as soon as he admitted to having feelings for her as well and asked her out on a date. When it happened, Jess thought that she was die of shock or a heart attack at the pace her heart picked up once it started beating again and the shock had worn off.

"Jessica!" her best friend - and one of the few people who stood by her through it all - Lily squealed as she barreled down the crowded hall, taking out anyone in her path. "Gosh, I missed you so much" she sighed wrapping her Jess in a tight hug.

"I missed you too," Jess laughed "I love my family to death but damn, having to be around them 24/7 for two and a half months was making me crazy. If it wasn't for our daily conversations and Celeste being with us I would have lost my mind."

Pulling away Lily held her friend at arms length. There was a hollowness in her eyes that had been there for a little over two years. She knew the cause and she hated seeing it reflected back at her every time she was with Jessica.

"Do not let their words bother you. These people are nothing. They know absolutely nothing. Do you understand me?" she whispered fiercely.

"I'm find. I don't care what they say of what they think." Jess shrugged "Let's get to home room and pick our schedules."

Stepping away from her friend, Jess continued on down the hall. She could feel the tears burning the backs of her eyes and pushed them away. Crying never did anyone any good and she was stronger than those tears. She could handle all the small minded people in this town. By this time next year she would be far away from this place and all the stupid people that lived here.

"Hey baby, how about you let me take that sweet little ass for a ride." some random guy purred into her ear as she walked past.

"Not on your life." she muttered

"How much for a turn?" another shouted

"You wouldn't be able to afford me." she muttered again

'Nothing's changed.' Jessica thought walking into her homeroom. 'All the guys in this school are still idiots.'

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