xl. | casualty of war

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Disclaimer; I do not own Supernatural. If I did, I probably wouldn't have written this.

No Rest for the Wicked

"I used to think the worst feeling in the world was losing someone you love, but I was wrong. The worst feeling in the world is the moment that you realize you've lost yourself." - Elena Gilbert

EMERY STARED AT HER HANDS, WATCHING them shake violently. She didn't know why they were shaking, because she had done this a hundred times. Dean, her, and Sam had done this a hundred times. But, maybe it was because it was Lilith. She could faintly remember things about Lilith from some other lifetime and it slightly scared her.

They had been driving for awhile, Emery in the backseat of the Impala, staring out the window. She tuned out Sam and Dean's conversation. The brunette didn't want to think about the fact that the love of her life was about to die in how many hours. Because, it was inevitable. This whole thing was stupid.

The girl jumped when Bon Jovi came onto the speakers and she looked into the front. Dean had started singing horribly, his eyes looking from the road to Sam. Sam soon then started to sing along with him and Emery felt herself smile. She knew what Dean was doing. Taking Sam's mind off of the inevitable, try not to hurt the poor man. A single tear slipped out of Emery's eye when her and Dean's eyes met in the rearview mirror and Dean wasn't singing anymore.

They had a busted taillight. Emery knew this and when the police sirens rang through the night, she was getting ready to flirt with the cop. Her neckline plunged a little bit, her hair moved to one side as she smirked coyly. Hopefully, the cop would take her as a younger girl then she was -which was twenty eight- and let them go because of a 'curfew'.

"Em, what are you doing?" Dean asked as he looked back at his girlfriend. She saw his eyes move from her chest back to her eyes and she rolled them.

"I'm going to try and flirt you out of this, okay?" Emery said, Dean getting a defensive look on his face.

"I really don't wanna see my girlfriend flirt with another man," Dean said. "It's almost as bad as the time you and Sam kissed in that one town," Dean grumbled and Emery stared at him wide-eyed.

"You knew about that?" Emery stared at him guffawed, her mouth open in a look of shock.

"You guys didn't try hard to cover it up," Dean said, just as the cop showed up at his rolled down window. Emery sat back as she watched the cop and Dean interact, Dean passing him his fake license and the actual registration of the car.

Emery jumped when Dean slammed the door into the cop's legs, making him keel over in pain. Her eyebrows furrowed, she watched Dean step out of the car, punch the cop a couple times, before stabbing him in the neck with the Demon Knife they had stolen from Ruby. With her eyes wide, Emery scrambled out of the Impala just to see the demon flicker in the cop's body, before he dropped to the ground.

Bobby, who had pulled up behind the cop car, got out of his car and ran over to them. "What the hell happened?" The older man was staring at the dead demon on the road, like the three of them had been already.

"Dean just killed a Demon," Sam said, staring wide eyed at both Bobby and Dean, the surprise evident in his voice. "How'd you know?"

"I just knew," Dean said, looking at Sam. "I could see its face. It's real face, under that one." His eyes then turned to Emery, focusing on her before suddenly, he let out a grunt and squinted his eyes, bringing his hand up to shade himself.

Emery looked at him wide eyed, confused, before she realized he was probably seeing the angel that she was. Not the actually body, but the thing she was at the core.

Tragedy ° DEAN WINCHESTERNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ