finale. | sacrifices and heroes

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Disclaimer; I don't own Supernatural. If I did, well... My heart wouldn't be broken.

Swan Song; the Finale

(I wrote this before season 11, just saying...)

"You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it." - Unknown

"It never occurred to them that, sure, maybe they never really had a roof and four walls... But they were never, in fact, homeless." - Chuck Shurley

EMERY STOOD IN THE CEMETERY, STANDING with her head down as Lucifer and Michael were getting ready. It was weird to see Sam's body as a puppet. With Adam taking the spot as Michael's vessel, who was supposed to be Dean. Michael had just arrived and the two were staring at each other. Lucifer had this weird obsession with her, had since the starting of this whole thing. That's the only reason she was here.

And it might have been the fact that the reason she had chose to become a Pulcherrimam was because her and Lucifer might have had a thing. But she didn't like to think about that lifetime. It wasn't her anymore. She would always love Dean.

"It's good to see you, Michael," Lucifer told him, after the small silence that had occurred.

"You too," Michael said, his voice curt. His eyes focused on Emery, giving her a small nod. "Amara."

Emery cringed at her angel name, shaking her head. "You, of all people, should know I don't go by that anymore. I am in love with your true vessel, as you know."

Michael did the very Michael thing and ignored the girl, turning back to Lucifer. "It's been too long."

"You believe it's finally here?" Lucifer retorted, his eyes never leaving Michael's form.

"No, not really," Michael said as he walked forward a couple of steps, closer to his little brother. Once he was a safe distance away, he sighed through his nose, his straight face weird. From the short amount of time Emery had known Adam, the youngest Winchester was known to be brooding. "Are you ready?"

Lucifer took a deep breath in, his shoulders moving up and down with the inhale and exhale. His mouth stayed in the straight line it seemed to be in ever since Lucifer had taken over Sam, and Emery started to miss that small smile he had. "As I'll ever be. Part of me wishes we didn't have to do this."

"You don't have to," Emery spoke up, looking between the two brothers. "God hasn't been home in years. We can rip up the ending and write a new one."

"You know we can't, Amara," Michael said, looking at his brother with sad eyes. "Yeah, me too." It was the statement that went along with Lucifer's. Emery closed her eyes, scared to be caught in the crossfire of this whole thing. She didn't know why Lucifer wanted her here. He had lost her when he fell from Heaven. He knew this and had accepted it (or should have).

"Then why are we?" Lucifer said, making Emery throw up her hands. That's exactly what she had said, why didn't he just agree with her?

"Oh, you know why! I have no choice after what you did," Michael said, ignoring the tiny tantrum Emery was having as she kicked the ground angrily. All the angels (except for Cas) seemed to piss her off.

"What I did? What if it's not my fault."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Think about it. Dad made everything. Which means he made me who I am. God wanted the Devil."


"So, why? And why make use fight? I just can't figure out the point."

"What's your point?"

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