Out With The "In" Crowd

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Name: Out With The "In" Crowd

Author: musiclover_99

Status: Ongoing


Ron Black. Not a very familiar name you hear around Northview High School. But that completely works to her advantage. You see, Northview is ruled by the rich kids of this town. The ‘Populars’. Not to mention that they all are unmistakably gorgeous! And Ron and her three best friends, AKA, the invisible wallflowers just don’t like this. Just don’t like is an understatement. More like hate-to-the-core-of-their-being. By their senior year, they can’t stand it anymore. So, they decide to change the way things are being run around their school. And they get the most outrageous idea ever. They can only cross their fingers and hope that it works. And I think you can pretty much guess who the guinea pig is. Yup, you guessed right! It’s Ron. What continues is complete chaos. Not to mention non stop fun! Mixed identities and confusions swirl around town. Can Ron and her friends bring justice to ‘clique-infested’ Northview? Or will they leave the school reeling in pandemonium? And will their little mission go according to plan?

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