"what's wrong with me" ((12))

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Kim's POV

after I went in to Jc's room I started taking off my make-up.while I was looking in the mirror and I start thinking about what I use to be like and how I use to get bullied before I meet Maddi.all the things they did and said to me just hit me,'all the names whore, slut,ugly,bitch,trash.they use to beat me sometimes I would black-out but they didn't care.then I start to think why me? Is their something wrong with me?.no matter what I do I am never enough',by now I am just sobbing the tears just won't stop. "is their something really wrong with me¿!?"I say out loud just to see if it sounds crazy or better out loud.

"Kim are ok?"Jc asked coming on the room

"Umm Y-yea I am fine"I said wiping my eyes I didn't want him to be worried

"Don't lie to me,I know when something's wrong with you"he said walking behind me looking at me me through the mirror

"Princess there's nothing wrong with you,your face or your body your perfect and I love you just the way you are"he continued putting his warm arms around my waist and giving me a kiss on my neck.

"Thanks baby and I am sorry,sometimes I just have these mantle break downs that I can't control. I am not insecure but when I get into my own thoughts its just like I hate myself"I said turning around rapping my arms around his waist

"Its ok everyone has some stuff that is hard to get over,and sometimes it might get to you when your in your thoughts."

"I am glad your here,I don't know what I could have done."right after I said that the instantly regreted saying it.hoping he wouldn't ask me what I wouldn't ask me what I would have done.

Once I finished taking off my make-up I got in the shower did my business and got out,I put on my black sports bra and some sweatpants I stole form Jc,and put my hair in a messy bun.I came out if the bathroom and saw Jc on his phone.

"That break down took a lot out of me"I said causing Jc to look at me.

"Then you should get some sleep babe"he said laying down with me

"Umm Jc can I tell you something"

"Yea sure are you ok?"

"Yea I am ok but I wanted to tell you about my past and how these break downs all started."I said facing him

"If that's how you feel then I am listening"he said sitting up

"Ok so when I was about 5 my parents got divorced and so I lived with my mom.i wasn't aware that they got a divorce since I was still young,but I did notice that my dad wasn't coming home everyday. I would ask my mom 'when's daddy coming home?'and she would always say 'he'll come soon to see you'but he never did.then I meet Maddi she was always thier for me,but we didnt go to the same school.fast forward to 7th-8th grade, kids use to make fun of me because I didn't have a dad or my family was 'dysfunctional',and that's when I started cutting. And I remember I would make 3 specific cuts:1st cut=for dad leaving 2nd cut=not being good enough 3rd cut=for being bullied
Those werethe worst 2 years of my life I cut everyday and just couldn't stop.then when I want to high school I meet Maddi stared going to my school, I told her about my cutting and she convenience me to stop and my life is so much better with her around,and so here we are now."

"Wow babe I can't believe all the things you want though, I am just so happy you stayed strong."Jc said kissing my cheek

"Thanks baby,I am so that we're together"I said laying down

"Me too"he said putting his arms around my waist

"I love you"

"I love you too"

That was the last thing I heard before falling fast a sleep.

Hey guys soo sad and short chapter,but the next chapter well be......interesting. See you guy's in the next one💍.


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