"Nice to meet you¿?"pt1 ((13))

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Maddi's POV

I woke up to the sun shining in my face,ugh the mornings.I look over a see a sleeping Connor he so cute.

"Well good morning to you to."he said kissing me

"Good morning,what do you want to do today?"

"Ummm..Oh! Sam's know girlfriend is suppose to be coming over.

"Ohhhhhh Sammy's got a girllllfriendd"I said getting up

"Nooooooo"he groaned

"What?"I said laughing sitting back down

"Come back to bed"

"No I have to get ready"

"Pleaseeeeee!¡"he pled

"Fine but only 5 more minutes,then I have to get ready."I say laying back down

"Ok I love you"

"I love you too"I said kissing his nose

Jc's POV

"Jc wake up"Kim said shaking me

"Ughhhh I don't wanna"

"We have to get ready, Sammy's girlfriend is supposed to be coming over,and you guy's have to film."she said now straddling me

"5 more minutes"



"Ok be that way."she said getting off me

"No,no,no you can stay their."

"Ok Let's make a deal.if you get you get up now,then tomorrow we can do anything you want,deal?"she said holding out her hand

"Ok deal."I said taking her hand getting up

"Yay thank you baby."

Kim's POV

Once I convenience Jc to get up I got in the shower and got dressed (outfit Above),and put on some mascara, eyeliner, and some dark red lipstick.then I felt two big strong arms around my waist.

"Well hello there.I see you got dressed."

"Yup,you look great."he said kissing my neck

"Thank you."I said

"No problem"he said I walking away with a smirk on his face

KIMMMMM¡¡ COME DOWN HER PLEASE!!¡"Maddi yelled.from downstairs

"HERE I COMEEE¡¡!!"I yelled back heading downstairs

"Yea what's up"

"Hey are you-umm you got a little bruise on you neck."she said touching my neck

"Huh?¿"I said looking in the mirror on the wall

"Umm th-that's not a umm bruise"I said looking down

"Oh then its it a HICKEY!?"



"Ok ok clam down he started kissing my neak while I was doing my make-up no big deal."

"Oh sure now its no big deal then BOOM it turns into something big like......a baby."

"Wooooooo slow your rode their."I said sitting on the kitchen counter

"So you excited to meet Sammy's girlfriend?"

"Yea I just hope she's nice."

"I am not worried they way Sammy is,she might just have a bubbly personality."she said handing me a water

"Your probably right"

Then I heard the door bell

"I'll get it its probably Sam"I said opening the door only to see Trevor

"Oh Hey Trevor"

"Hey Kim K"he said walking into the house


"Yasss my queen slayyyy!!"Maddi said coming into the living room

"Are you here to meet Sam's Girl friend to?"I asked sitting on the couch

"Yea and because I wanted to see my slay sidekicks duh"


Then we heard the door bell again

"I'll get it again"I said opening the door to see Sammy and who I am guessing is his girlfriend.she had ombra hair and hazel eyes.

Hey guy's so what do you think will happen? find out in the next chapter🔮.


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