Stressful ((37)

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Kim's POV

It's was now silent and...awkward

"Oh! Would you look at the time,well it was fun but we're really busy soo"I said walking over to Jada and Amber but Jada stopped me

"Umm can I talk to you for a minute...Privately?"she asked me

"Um yea"we walked in the living

"So I'm planning on moving into my own house and I'm working to get some extra money for it so I was wondering if I could stay here for a while?"

"Of course I'd love to have you stay here"I said exited, I started to walk away when she pulled me back

"Ohh and Ambers mom kicked her out and I kind of promised her that she could live with me so I wanted to know if she could stay here too?"she said with hope in her eyes

"Oh...I-I don't know "

"Please Kim I promise you won't even notice us"she pouted

"U-um s-sure"I said nervously

"Ohhh thank you, thank you, thank will not regret this"

"He he yea"I laugh hesitantly

Just then the door bell rung,I open the door and see my mom  and Jessica I forgot they where here.

"Um hey mom,hey Jessica what's up?"

"I need you to pick up a few thing for me"she said handing me a list

"Ok I'll get on that"I said closing the door

"Oh Kim can you take me to work."Jada asked me

"Yea let's go"

"Wait Kim I need you to take me to a friends house."Amber said

"Umm ok"

"Kim if your going out make sure you get the thing for our video "I heard come from the kitchen


I walked outside with Jada and Amber.we got in the car and I dropped both of them off which took at least an hour because each of their destinations were at lest 3 miles in a different direction,and I have to pick them back up 2 hours from now I need to get food for the house and the stuff for my mom and Jessica.I park so where and look at the list that they gave me,and the things that they need are at a certain store which is another 2 miles away.i get there stuff and it is now 5:58,and I have to pick up Amber and Jada In about 20 minutes soo I might as well head that way.I stop at a red light and see my phone blowing up with missed calls and text, I mean I have been gone almost 4 hours.I ignore the text and miss calls as keep driving I pick up Jada first and then Amber.

"Go what took you so long?"Amber said rolling her eyes

It took me all the power that Jesus gave me not to snatch her eyes out her head.I just stayed quiet and kept driving. eventually I ended up at the house with everything,both Amber and Jada get out of the car and I'm stuck outside to bring everything in the house.after I struggle to bring everything in I put everything in the kitchen and see everybody is gone.where the hell?. I text Maddi and she said they went to get something to eat,great do I don't even have my boyfriend to sleep I put everything up by myself,and I take my mom and Jessica their things.I go up to Jc's room, take off my pants and put on one of Jc's sweaters and it covers me perfectly .I take off my make up and put my hair up and lay down.I start to rub my belly names,it's really calming actually.and I like the name Cameron it's a neutral name so a boy or girl could have it.i feel my eyes get heavy and I fall asleep.

Jc's POV

We came home with food and I don't see Kim,I saw her car so she is here.I put our food down,go in my room and see Kim sleeping in my sweater.I got over,sit next to her and lightly shake her.

"Kim"I lightly say but get no response


"Mhm"she hummed in response

"You have to eat you haven't ate all day and your eating for two some come on."

She sat up a little bit a opened her arms signaling for me to pick her up,so I picked her up and carried her downstairs and into the kitchen and everybody looked at me.

"Awwww"Maddi and Jada said in unison "you guys are adorable"Maddi continued

I chucked a bit and sat down with Kim on my lap

"Kimmm"I said trying to wake her up again then I get an idea I take a piece of chicken and put it by her mouth and she eats it! So I just feed her like that with Maddi taking pictures.

Once I finished feeding her which sounds weird I take her back upstairs and in my bed.I shower and put on so sweatpants I thought a shirt,and lay next to her holding her waist.

"I love you Jc"I hear her mumble

"I love you too" and with that I feel asleep

Maddi POV

"Babe,you coming upstairs""I Kian asked me

"Yea give me a minute "

I'm cleaning up downstairs just to show the boys that we appreciate them.just then Amber walks Downstairs,why is she still here?

"Hello Madison"

"Why are you here?"

"Oh Kimberly didn't tell you?,Me and Jada are staying here until we have enough money to buy our home."

What! How could Kim not tell me?

"Well I best be on my way,you should to considering its pass your bedtime."she smirked at

"You know just because Kim is all nice and sweet to you doesn't mean I won't punch yup in the throat."I smile at here "now I must go my boyfriend needs me upstairs bye bye now"I wave her going upstairs

Once I reached Kian's room I lay on on back on his bed

"Did you know Amber and Jada are still here?"I asked him

"Really why?"

"Apparently Kim told them they could stay here until the have enough money to get a house,but I don't get why she did t tell us"

"Well"he saids laying next to me "she was sleep when we got here so maybe she meant to but forgot"

"Maybe your right"I wrap my arms around his body facing him

"I love you Kiki"I say kissing him

"I love you too baby"he said kissing me back

Hey guys so I hope you enjoy this chapter I wrote this on the 15th and I finished at 3:45 Am so I hope you enjoy it.also I just want to thank everyone for reading because we hit 900+ readss😭👏🏼🎆 even if you only read one page then you didn't like it so you stop reading it still a read so I appreciate your for that ❤️😋,but I will see you guys in the next one🎇.


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