Turning Sands

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Chapter one: ...wait who are you again?

Laila's POV

If anyone had told me how boring the trip to the  Egyptian Museum of St. Charlie would be I would've saved my parents money.

I mean it's not like it isn't pretty but the same history and the same stories over and over gets annoying and really really boring.

Good thing I had my  best friend with me! Jacey  has been my best friend since 6th grade and is the biggest reason why I'm at this old boring musuem.

Of course an  excused absence  and extra world history credit didn't hurt either.

Jacey walked beside me with her eyes all wide with wonder.

"Just Think Lai of living in this time it must have been beautiful"

Rolling my eyes I replied "Yeah if you weren't a slave"

Jacey glared at me "I'm sure they didn't have it that bad I mean they must have had something to themselves!"

I scoffed "Yeah...A slave quarters and you know the occasional beating when you weren't working hard enough. Seriously Jace haven't you watched Prince Of Egypt?"

She tisked "Movies exaggerrate, not all Pharoahs were cruel you know....it's just those that were are more remembered"

I sighed knowing there was no winning this arguement. I took a peak at the tour guide who was rambling on how they irragated their crops.

That's when I noticed it. An attractive looking hallway with displays of jewelry, clothes, and other stuff.

The guide however seemed to ignore it as if it wasn't even there but, I being curious me wanted to take a peak.

With a quick glance at Jacey who seemed enthralled with the guide I quickly sneaked away from the group and down the hall. 

I gasped the hall was so pretty and, I then I broke the number one rule of the museum...no touching.

I just wanted to see how the fabric felt. It was pretty and blue with little jewls on it. Then before I knew it was was changing in to the dress. It seemed like I couldn't stop I soon had on jewelry and this pretty little head necklace. 

Than I felt it. A deep almost sickening feeling ran through my body and I could barely stand and than almost like clock work blackness took over.


Tut's POV

Today my court was meeting to decide what we were going to do in the war against the Nubians when a sign from the god Ra appeared.

She was beautiful dressed in blue silks of the highest quality. Her hair was curled and she showed no signs of marriage, it wouldn't have mattered anyway because I wanted her and what I wanted was more important than what anyone else wanted or had.

My high Guard Amkhu looked at me for an order.

"My lord" He started before bowing "What shall we do with this...girl?" 

"Take her to my chambers and have two of your gaurds watch her and when she wakes have one of them get me" I commanded my voice echoing through the room. Than I watched him carefully as he picked her up my soon to be grua (wife) and led her to my chambers.

After they left I turned my attention to my priest whom in which I always consulted before going into battle.

Namurot bowed than  began to speak "My Lord, I've been seeking signs from the sun god Ra and the Desert god Seth and I am suggesting that we wait to go into battle."

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