Chapter 14 Part 1

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Isis Pov


I woke up sore and warm. I blinked my eyes trying to wake up from the sleepy daze i was in.

Blinking I turned to my right and there was a sleeping Alim. I'd be lying if I said he wasn't beautiful. His black hair almost covered his eyes. His skin was tan from doing God knows what but, it seemed to fit him. 

I suppose staring at the man who stole your virginity without permission lovingly is wrong right? Honestly I have no idea what's wrong or right. 

I mean was last night rape? I bit my lip while my eyes raked over the exposed chest of Alim. 

However before I could ponder how I felt about last night and him. I was rolled over on top of a now awake Alim.

He gave me a cocky smirk and then captured my lips upon his. I tried to pull away because, honestly I was sore and I didn't want to do it.

When he finally let me go I rolled off of him unto the soft covers of the bed.

"Alim" I said softly wondering how I was to put my words in order. "What's going to happen to me? Know that we've.....well we' you going to kill me?" I asked biting my lip.

He chuckled and sat up giving me a look I couldn't decipher. 

"No....I won't hurt you. You are now mine forever. I took you as mine and now your body belongs to me...think of this as a marriage of sorts." He said getting out of the bed.

I turned my head the other way I didn't want to look at his nakedness. My thoughts drifted to Tut and before I could stop myself I asked.

"What about Tut? Is he okay?"

I could sense Alim's anger as soon as I mentioned Tut's name. Even if I wasn't looking at him I could tell he was burning holes through me with eyes. If looks could kill I'd be dead twelve times.

"Why do you care for him woman?" He asked walking towards the bed. I didn't answer honestly I was scared to know the answer to come face with the fact I might have feelings for a man who was destined to die.

"I don't know" I said hoping he wouldn't catch my little lie.

I felt the bed dip in and turned my head to watch him crawl on.

"YOU LIE" He yelled grabbing my arm in a painful grip. I cried out 

"Please...stop...Alim....I'm sorry"

I heard him chuckle. "You women are easy to read. You think I don't know that you love him?" Instead of waiting for me to answer he began to keep talking.

"You will never see him again. Namurot has ensured me that Tutanhakamun's death will be soon and then you my sweet will have to forget about him ne?" He smirked as tears began to seep out of my eyes.

What was I going to do? How was I going to save Tut? How was I going to save myself?


Tut's Pov


Isis was gone.

My future Queen has been stolen again. Hopefully for the last time.

The Keepers who I went to for help when I realized she wasn't beside me when I awoke told me I have my own life to fight for.

I didn't want to hear it though, by duty I had to. They want this empire to thrive much as I do so, Isis must wait for a while until I can kill Namurot and find her.

My soul however ached for her. My Queen who was sent from above who was taken from me one to many times.

I will kill Namurot. 

I will save this Empire.

And I will find Isis.



this is part one of chapter 14. I put it up cause I wanted you to see how Isis felt the day after. Though it doesn't really explain her feeling I'm getting to that!




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