Chapter 13

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Isis Pov


My head was pounding and my breathing was sparratic. The room I was in was dark and had no windows so I had no way to tell the time of day it was but, if I had to guess I'd say noonish.

I bit my lip in order to stop me from crying out in pain. Why does this always happen to me? I wanted to scream in frustration. Everytime something feels right something bad has to happen!

I slowly began trying to lift myself up clutching the sheets I was on tightly I managed to sit up. A stubborn tear ran down my face. How was I going to get out of this one? Last time was sheer luck that I hadn't died in the desert and that Shai found me but, I doubt that I would have such luck a second time. 

Closing my eyes I slowly swung one leg to the side of the bed wincing as my muscles stretched. Then I heard it. Footsteps. 

They were coming close and I began to panic. I quickly through my other leg to the side of the bed ignoring the pain that shot up my body I tried to stand up. My body however refused to do what I wanted and as soon as I got up I fell.

I began to cry. I cried for me. I cried for Shai and Khait but, most of all I cried for Tut. Who I'd put through so much pain.

The door that I didn't even notice opened wide letting light stream in the room and someone walked in.

My vision was blurry and tears kept coming but, the person who came in seemed undeterred. Instead I felt arms pick me up and carry me out of the room.

When the person stopped I was in a different more lighted room. It was huge with a bed that could probably fit six in it. Though it didn't compare to Tut's room it was still beautiful. 

My captor put me down and I finally could look upon him, my kidnapper and I couldn't believe my eyes.

He was beautiful and was like lust in every single context. My mouth was dry with want and my body seemed to call out to him. He smirked at me.

"It seems my prize has finally awoke eh?" He said teasing like.

I glared. No matter how handsome he was I refused to be some belonging of his. "You're prize?" I said looking at my hands "I don't want to be yours"  I said "I want to be Tut's"

Perhaps I should've kept my mouth closed because he got really really angry.

"YOU WANT TO BE THAT FOOLS?" He yelled at me getting in my face. "YOU WILL NEVER GO BACK THERE...YOU BELONG TO ME" He grabbed my arms tightly.

I let a moan of pain and I yelled back  "I BELONG TO TUTANHAKMUN!" 

He glared and backhand me hard and I began to cry even harder than before.

"Since you're set on not knowing who you belong to...I will show you." He said before throwing be on the bed. He began ripping at my dress until I was bare befor him.

My captor then began undressing himself. When he was finished he crawled on top of me. I struggled against him I wanted my first time to be special however it seemed he wasn't giving me a choice. 

Using one of the torn pieces of my dress he tied my hands together tightly. Then he kissed me. His kiss wasn't loving like Tut's but, possessive and demanding. Perhaps if this was under a different circumstance I would have enjoyed it. 

When he let go of my bruised lips he made his way to my neck kissing it until he reached the crook. Then as if he was some animal he bit down on it hard. Not hard enough to draw blood but hard enough to leave a mark. 

He lifted his head from my neck with a smirk. Then I felt it. His aching manhood against my thigh. I began to cry softly as it rubbed against my skin. He, seeing my tears began to kiss them off my face before claiming my lips. 

"I'm going to take you now" he whispered looking into my eyes.

I looked at him sadly. It seemed that there was no getting around this. "I would atleast like to know the name of the man who is about to steal my virginity" I said looking at his eyes noticing that they were green.

"My name is Alim and after tonight you will forever be mine" He kissed me softly as he began to enter me. It hurt so much. I could tell he was making an effort to go slow but, it hurt and I let out a soft cry.

He waited a minute for me to adjust and he began rocking slow. It hurt at first but, then it felt nice. His touches were no longer fueled my anger but, were soft and inviting.

It seemed like a lifetime before I came undone and it didn't take long after me for him to come to.

After a couple of minutes of panting and silence he pulled out of me and held me close whispering sweet nothings.

My eyes closed and I felt myself slipping into sleep before thinking

Is this love?


Authors note!

-----------------------> PICTURE OF ALIM

Did you guys like it?

I know she did her captor. I think she's going to be with him for a while. I know I tried to keep it from being too steamy seeing how it's pg-13. Anyway!




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