Chapter 12

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Namurot's Pov 


The Keepers failed me. They refused to even listen to what I had to say...The bunch of fools would have to learn to bow down to me if they wanted to live.

I took a look at my chambers as I thought about how I would tke over Egypt. I smirked and sat down on my bed. The taste of my last conquest was still on my tongue. I shook my head while thinking of the woman. She as beautiful but like all women was a pawn in my game. 

With a smirk I removed her from my thoughts I had bigger and better things to think of. One being how I would go about Tut's demise. I began to wonder what if, instead of striking him....I strike his biggest weakness.

I nodded to myself and got off my bed. With one last smirk I headed out of my chambers to the person who I knew  who was best suited for this job.


I arrived in the deserted part of the main city and I made my way to a workers bar. It was filthy and not at all my taste but, netherless I continued in. For I was a man on a mission and I will succeed.

When I reached the back room where I was to meet my assassin I closed the door and the meeting began.

 "Can you kill?" I asked not wanting to stall my reasoning for being here.

The vile man smirked "I can but...what's in it for me?"

I chuckled darkly "I'd knew you'd ask does a girl sound? She's Tutankhamun's intended and a beauty.You can have her but, you must make sure she believes he's dead even if he isn't"

The man began to chuckle and I continued "Do you need assistance into the palace?" I asked looking into his cold eyes.

"No...I have an inside brother's a gaurd there and we look similar" He said eyeing me up and down.  I gave him a glare and threw a satchel full of coins "Consinder this your compinsation and inspiration" 

I said before walking out of thr shabby place. Everything was going into plan.


Isis Pov


I woke up feeling calm and refreshed. Smiling I slipped out of Tut's bed and began to make my way to my own chambers. Than I noticed a man. He stood stoically and gave me a cold hard glance. Like deja vu I seemed to know what was going to happen. So...I did the stupidest thing ever.

I ran.

I could only hear my heart pumping and I refused to look back. I thought I got away when I turned a random corner but, I was wrong. I felt strong arms wrap around me and smelled the scent of smoke and something I couldn't quite put my finger on. 

As I wiggled to escape the arms that incased me squeezed tighter and a gruff voice whispered in my ear.

"You're not going anywhere Princess.."

And everything went black.


Author's note!

I know this was short and I havent updated in a while but please stay with me! I've been training for gymnastics so I'm busy during the weekdays but, I will try to keep updating





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