➳ Chapter Twelve

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Early in the morning, you're laying on top of Sherlock as he drags his fingers down the bare skin of your back.

"Back in university, I would always deduce my classmates and they would get so angry because I could tell who was sleeping with who. God, they hated me," Sherlock says with a sad undertone lacing his voice.

"It must have been hard trying to make friends with such... goldfish. They just don't understand," you reply with your cheek resting against his chest.

"I locked away all those emotions early in life since I never understood how to express them. It wasn't until I met John that I started to feel like I belonged. Then you came along and showed me that being a human with emotions isn't so bad."

"As long as you're happy, that's all that matters," you say.

"But it's not. Your happiness means a lot more," Sherlock insists.

"Let's just agree to be happy together."



Later, Sherlock is back to his erratic speech preparation along with other plans he has for the wedding as he consulted with Mary about it earlier. You've just been watching him in amusement as he's looked things up on YouTube and searched through traditional wedding routines on Google.

"What are we going to do with him?" you ask Mary over the phone.

"I'm going to get John to convince him to go on a case, but I don't know if Sherlock will be convinced since he's so persistent about this," Mary replies.

"We could trick them into thinking they're helping the other by going on a case," you propose.

"I like it. We'll be over in an hour and put it into action."

"Got it." You hang up the phone and go back into the living room.
"Was that Mary?" Sherlock asks as he pins papers up on the wall.

"Yeah. She called to say she and John will be over soon," you explain, walking over and sitting in Sherlock's chair. "Don't you think you're going overboard?"

"Not at all. The quicker the planning is finished, the faster this is all over."

"You're that nervous about giving a speech that you're trying to speed things along?"

Sherlock nods. "Of course."

"You know you're very clever, Sherlock. I'm sure it will be the best speech ever given in the history of weddings," you say with a smile.

"You think this is funny, right?"


A while later, Mary and John arrive carrying boxes that they place on the desk. While Mary and Sherlock begin searching through them, John takes a seat across from you, seemingly uninterested in any of the planning.

"You're not going to help them?" you question.

"Sherlock is doing most of the work, anyway," John replies. "Plus, I'm looking for a case."

"Oh, right. Mary and I thought it would be good for the two of you to go on one to show Sherlock nothing will change after the two of you get married," you say, lowering your voice.

"That's the plan," John sighs.

"Did you work on your half of the church, Mary? Looking a bit thin," Sherlock asks, standing on the couch.

"Oh, orphan's lot. Friends, that's all I have. Lots of friends," Mary replies.

"Really?" you say. "Me too, minus the lots part."

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