➳ Chapter Eighteen

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You tell Greg to handle the guests as you try to find Sherlock. You peer around and spot him and John on the staircase.

"How can't you remember which room? You remember everything!" John screams. "(Y/N)?!"

"I don't know! I wasn't involved in the planning," you rush as you watch Sherlock with his fingers pressed to his temples.

"I have to delete something!" Sherlock shouts.

"Two-zero-seven!" Mary yells, running up the stairs and you all follow after her.

When the four of you get to the right floor, Sherlock knocks repeatedly on the door and tries to open it, but finds it locked.

"Major Sholto? Major Sholto!" Sherlock exclaims.

"If someone's about to make an attempt on my life, it won't be the first time. I'm ready," the muffled voice answers.

"Major, let us in," John orders calmly.

"Kick the door down," Mary suggests.

"I really wouldn't. I have a gun in my hand and a lifetime of unfortunate reflexes," Major Sholto replies.

"You're not safe in there. Whoever's after you, we know a locked room doesn't stop him," Sherlock stresses. You've never seen him so openly worried for a person, but you realize it's because the person is important to John.

"The Invisible Man with the Invisible Knife," Major Sholto says.

"I don't know how he does it. I can't stop him and that means he'll do it again!" Sherlock yells.

"Solve it then! You're the famous Mr. Holmes, solve the case, on you go. Tell me how he did it and I'll open the door," Sholto challenges.

"Please, this is no time for games, just let us in, you're in danger," John says.

"So are you, as long as you're here. Please, leave me. Despite my reputation, I really don't approve of collateral damage," Sholto replies.

Sherlock turns to you and grips his hair.

"Solve it. Solve it and he'll open the door, like he said. We can do this," you say.

"We couldn't solve it before, how can we solve it now?" he asks in frustration.

"Because it matters now," Mary answers.

"What are you talking about? Get your wife under control!" Sherlock says to John.

"She's right," John states.

"Oh, you've changed," Sherlock says, starting to pace while you try to think, but can't with all the commotion.

"No, she is. Shut up. You're not a puzzle-solver, you've never been. You're a drama queen. Now, there's a man in there about to die, the game is on. Solve it!" John shouts.

You watch Sherlock flipping through every inch of information and clues until a lightbulb seems to flick in his brain. He turns with wide eyes and kisses you before looking at Mary and John.

"Though, in fairness, he's a drama queen, too," he says.

"I know," Mary replies.

Sherlock rushes to the door. "Major Sholto, no one's coming to kill you. I'm afraid you've already been killed several hours ago."

Your eyes widen and suddenly all the evidence makes perfect sense.

"What did you say?" Sholto questions.

"Don't take off your belt!" you order, making it to the empty spot next to Sherlock.

"My belt?" Sholto asks.

"His belt, yes. Bainbridge was stabbed hours before we even saw him, but it was through his belt. Tight belt, worn high on the waist. Very easy to push a small blade through the fabric and you wouldn't even feel it," Sherlock explains.

"The belt would bind the flesh together when it was tied tight. But when you took it off..." John assesses.

"Delayed-action stabbing. All the time in the world to create an alibi. Major Sholto?" Sherlock says.

"So I was to be killed by my uniform. How appropriate," Sholto responds.

"He solved the case, Major, you're supposed to open the door now. A deal is a deal," Mary says.

"I'm not even supposed to have this anymore. They gave me special dispensation to keep it. I couldn't imagine life out of this uniform. I suppose, given the circumstances, I don't have to. When so many want you dead, it hardly seems good manners to argue," Sholto replies.

"Whatever you're doing in there, James, stop it, right now! I will kick this door down!" John shouts.

"Mr. Holmes, you and I are similar, I think," Sholto claims.

"Yes, I think we are," Sherlock replies.

"There's a proper time to die, isn't there?"

"Of course there is."

"And one should embrace it when it comes. Like a soldier," Sholto says.

"Of course one should, but not at John's wedding! We wouldn't do that, would we, you and me? We would never do that to John Watson," Sherlock stresses.

"I'm going to break it down," John says, taking off his jacket.

"Wait, wait, wait, we won't have to," Mary says.

The door slowly creeks open to reveal Major Sholto. "I believe I am in need of medical attention."

"I believe I am your doctor," John says.

John and Mary follow Major Sholto into the room as you stand outside with Sherlock who lets out a breath.

"You did great," you say, "but that's only one of the cases solved. We still have to finish the other one."

"We barely saved him in time," Sherlock replies.

"But we saved him, you saved him. Better late saving a life than letting them die," you point out.

"I suppose," Sherlock agrees.

"Now that that's over, we have to call an ambulance and Lestrade," you say, taking out your phone.


"You don't think the criminal is still here, do you? He's bound to be heading home by now, so Lestrade can fetch him."

You make your phone calls and the ambulance soon arrives to take Major Sholto to the hospital while the four of you return to the wedding.

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